@zephyrama I happen to know a really, really bad curse phrase in Korean, courtesy of Grandpa. You know, if you need it.
I identify with this MeFi discussion way, way too much. (cc @drkknits) http://t.co/sfgiqytD
@TheDuckInnPub Anybody there to take a booking for dinner tonight? Tried ringing 15 min ago but no one answered!
@Helen__H Very cute! You crochet? @RoseRedShoes just made me one of these a few weeks ago: http://t.co/SleWE7rI
@Helen__H @rosered_shoes Whoops. Yep. My old crappy version of Tweetdeck has lost the ability to autocomplete usernames. ๐
@Helen__H You should come to a Knitters Guild meeting sometime! The Inner City group is cool and not at all weird. ๐
@Helen__H 2nd Sat of every month, so Dec 8 at Customs House Library at 11am. It’s like a stitch and bitch! Sometimes we have talks/workshops
@Helen__H And we do have several crocheters in our group. ๐
@TheDuckInnPub Phew, was hoping you weren’t closed! 8pm for two okay?
@TheDuckInnPub Brilliant, thanks! Couldn’t think of a better place to celebrate our wedding anniversary. ๐
Giving web designers headaches since 1999, right here….
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I’m pretty sure hamsters eat their own babies sometimes. I’m sure the hamster patriarchy is to blame.
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Hegemonic Patriarchal Hamster Discourse is definitely going to be the name of my rock band’s first album.
@rkrandall Congratulations!!
@toastman I liked how it started out with the analogy of children fighting over a toy. I’m a girl so those references are really helpful.
I keep Skyping and iMessaging and tweeting @kunaal84 even though he’s on his honeymoon. DAMMIT KUNAAL, WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO RANT TO?
RT @bortflancrest: YOu will all love this. http://t.co/vLGaw0Je // I laughed. So will @imdominating and @carbolicious, I suspect.
Anniversary dinner! Love this place. Also, we ate a dinosaur. (@ The Duck Inn Pub & Kitchen) [pic]: http://t.co/3JXWws15
Thanks to @TheDuckInnPub for a lovely anniversary dinner tonight! A lot of memorable Chippendale moments have occurred there…
Negroni muslin step 2: sleeve plackets! These were crazy magic. #sewvember http://t.co/RhWStKJG
RT @catehstn: Love this from @caterina, on how to create time – http://t.co/7W9hj36l
@drkknits I think for jersey, it’s a must!
I appear to be getting @pozible spam I didn’t sign up for. Disappointing. Let’s see if unsubscribe works.
@randomknits Thanks! I’m glad I’m doing the muslin. I’m figuring out the little tweaks I can do to make things better on the real thing!
@Pozible I unsubbed from newsletter. I was more surprised that I got email as I usually tick the “do not contact me” option. Hope it works.
@drkknits @randomknits I love how you and I always overthink these things, and Donna’s always just like, WHATEVER. I JUST SEW.
RT @Lackadazy: @imdominating RT @EvilWylie: Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours… http://t.co/kUC4F31j