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@drkknits Is that tie-dye I see before me?

@drkknits I’ve been taping mine to the sliding door and doing them that way!

@imdominating If it wasn’t just Rodd and me, I’d so be tempted to make one.

RT @GGDSydney: Grats goes to @rowdyrabbit and @web_goddess our comp winners! We hope you have a great time at #yow2012 courtesy of @yow_oz!

@drkknits You are making me so jealous. Why am I stuck at work when I could be sewing? GAHHH.

@knitterjp @smithcdau Brilliant. Would love to meet him if we cross paths. I’m looking forward to the morning’s agile topics!

@knitterjp @drkknits Hitting it with the iron was the funnest part of the Washi Dress. Magically started pulling WAY in!

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Also for loaning to other people! *cough cough*

Every other bus driver takes 45 min to get through CBD. This guy is flying through in under 20. I think I love you, Mr Bus Driver.

@goshling I hope so. He was challenging the very laws of the universe.

@goshling Meetup? Quite possibly. Where/when?

@goshling Oh right. That’s what I get for only reading MeFi through Flipboard these days…

@goshling Commented, and suggested a venue! Slightly self serving in that it’s 3 blocks from my house, but it’s also legitimately nice. 🙂

RT @codepo8: Slayer Christmas Sweater // I am totes knitting that for the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

@mpesce @stufromoz @kcarruthers @jcmurty Pumpkin is being prepped at my house too. Chippendale feels very festive. 🙂

@goshling Ah, yeah, Manly’s a pain. What are you guys doing, work? I work in the Rocks so if you’re nearby could meet for lunch.

@toastman I just hate the train. Ideally I’d ride my bike, but my knee’s still screwed.

@randomknits Go for it. Super cute!

Negroni step 3: basic body construction. You guys – IT ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A SHIRT!

RT @embeedub: Fiona Apple’s moving farewell to her dog via @Salon // Don’t cry, @drkknits!

RT @seananmcguire: Jason Dohring named his daughter “Lilly.” THE WORLD IS AWESOME.” // Logan Echolos forever!

Happy Thanksgiving! I made pumpkin bread. Sadly, it’s a bit uncooked in the middle but I think my coworkers

@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits Mine don’t bring in dead animals. 😛

@drkknits Hoochie. (That’s my new “You’re terrible, Muriel” JUST FOR YOU.)

@drkknits Oh, I’m not claiming moral high ground here. Just being silly. 🙂

@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits I am taking a new attitude towards leggings: I don’t understand it, and I won’t acknowledge it. #lucille

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim *wink*

Not Acknowledging all over the damn place. What I am acknowledging is the excellent pumpkin bread I baked for the office. Nomnomnom…

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.