@drkknits Is that tie-dye I see before me?
@drkknits I’ve been taping mine to the sliding door and doing them that way!
@imdominating If it wasn’t just Rodd and me, I’d so be tempted to make one.
RT @GGDSydney: Grats goes to @rowdyrabbit and @web_goddess our comp winners! We hope you have a great time at #yow2012 courtesy of @yow_oz!
@drkknits You are making me so jealous. Why am I stuck at work when I could be sewing? GAHHH.
@knitterjp @smithcdau Brilliant. Would love to meet him if we cross paths. I’m looking forward to the morning’s agile topics!
@knitterjp @drkknits Hitting it with the iron was the funnest part of the Washi Dress. Magically started pulling WAY in!
@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Also for loaning to other people! *cough cough*
Every other bus driver takes 45 min to get through CBD. This guy is flying through in under 20. I think I love you, Mr Bus Driver.
@goshling I hope so. He was challenging the very laws of the universe.
@goshling Meetup? Quite possibly. Where/when?
@goshling Oh right. That’s what I get for only reading MeFi through Flipboard these days…
@goshling Commented, and suggested a venue! Slightly self serving in that it’s 3 blocks from my house, but it’s also legitimately nice. 🙂
RT @codepo8: Slayer Christmas Sweater http://t.co/nSURU3Xp // I am totes knitting that for the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
@mpesce @stufromoz @kcarruthers @jcmurty Pumpkin is being prepped at my house too. Chippendale feels very festive. 🙂
@goshling Ah, yeah, Manly’s a pain. What are you guys doing, work? I work in the Rocks so if you’re nearby could meet for lunch.
@toastman I just hate the train. Ideally I’d ride my bike, but my knee’s still screwed.
@randomknits Go for it. Super cute!
Negroni step 3: basic body construction. You guys – IT ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A SHIRT! http://t.co/mijmlXhy
RT @embeedub: Fiona Apple’s moving farewell to her dog http://t.co/E1MERHul via @Salon // Don’t cry, @drkknits!
RT @seananmcguire: Jason Dohring named his daughter “Lilly.” THE WORLD IS AWESOME. http://t.co/ps4ZJncB” // Logan Echolos forever!
Happy Thanksgiving! I made pumpkin bread. Sadly, it’s a bit uncooked in the middle but I think my coworkers http://t.co/c5TQDsSi
@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits Mine don’t bring in dead animals. 😛
@drkknits Hoochie. (That’s my new “You’re terrible, Muriel” JUST FOR YOU.)
@drkknits Oh, I’m not claiming moral high ground here. Just being silly. 🙂
@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits I am taking a new attitude towards leggings: I don’t understand it, and I won’t acknowledge it. #lucille
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim *wink*
Not Acknowledging all over the damn place. What I am acknowledging is the excellent pumpkin bread I baked for the office. Nomnomnom…