Shared today on Twitter

@drkknits Really? It looks pretty and sunny from my desk. The harbour does look a little more sparkly than usual…

@goshling That looks *good*. Also like the equivalent of about 8000 Fitbit steps. πŸ™‚

So what do you all reckon? Can I use felt to make my nephew’s soft toy? It won’t be as awesome as fleece, but I can’t find orange fleece.


@RoseRed_Shoes Other options we thought of: maybe T-shirt material? Or even a cheap towel?

@Justacogitating I want to be A DEN-TIST! (That’s my favourite bit.) That and “BUMBLES BOUNCE!”

@Opheli8 I’ve done a kitty litter cake before, but never with a fake cat buried in it.

@redambition @RoseRed_Shoes Score! Spotties at Birkenhead has orange fleece. I’ll have to try to get there after work tomorrow.

@redambition I would say yes, but you’d probably have to go tomorrow too. (I think they’re only open til 5:30 most nights.)

@redambition So I might as well just go tomorrow and get it right away. But thank you!

@redambition Sure, if you don’t mind a hitchhiker! I’m usually here til 5:30, but I can make arrangements to go sooner to meet you.

@redambition What time do you normally hit Broadway?

@redambition I can arrange to be there then! I’ll email you. πŸ™‚

@lifeasdaddy This is a more articulated toy, so I don’t think felt is going to hold up as well as fleece. Luckily I found a source!

@drkknits I am apparently, like, 1/16th Cherokee or something. Or so my Aunt claims. You know, if you need me to approve anything.

Holy crap, I actually met my knitters guild resolutions for the year! That was unexpected.

@drkknits Only managed to ride my bike to Guild once, but I did it!

Playing “Carol of the Bells” in the office and telling my co-workers how @EileenDCoE has a phobia of that song.

@bonitoclub @witty_knitter I want all of that furniture. All of it.

Hmm. In terms of non-Halloween cookie cutters, I have: Round, Heart, Gingerbread Man, and Michigan. That’s not gonna work. #christmas #fail

@drkknits @GeorgieKnits Computer engineer barbie has her own iPhone app! But this year I got my niece a Lottie. πŸ™‚

Jealous of everyone going to @yow_oz today!

@leonor_salazar Did you get it from GGD? I got one too but had to cancel due to stupid unavoidable meeting. πŸ™

So tired of dealing with crappy marketing spam from people trying to take advantage of my sites’ PageRank.

@redambition Today a marketroid told me in all seriousness how my blog was relevant to the UK’s #1 laser eye surgery provider. Uh, no.