@randomknits Congratulations!
Just discovered that Mandy friggin’ Moore covered “Senses Working Overtime.” My brain is dribbling out my ears.
@drkknits Nope. You can eats it raw. Sometimes Rodd grates it and then cookes it in butter to soften a little. Yum.
Nothing puts me in the mood for a vacation like a string of 10 hour days… (Finally going home. Brain = mush.)
Google team outing to see Skyfall means I got to come home to James Bond. PHWOAR! http://t.co/4YhJlOpW
@drkknits @Yarna_ @randomknits Ooh, yes. Like I said, grated and sautéed with LOTS of butter. Also roasted with OJ and balsamic. Yum.
Review: Gingerbread Oreos http://t.co/oQdZ2ceu // WANT.
@catehstn I was told that suits were going to be tomorrow but somebody had bright idea to combine with Bond. Regardless, I’m a fan. 🙂
RT @Salon: Santa’s little voyeur: Why the Orwellian “Elf on the Shelf” phenomenon makes Christmas creepy http://t.co/p0FxHfaY via @embeedub
@imdominating You appear to have left me a little bit. Jerk.
@imdominating Mine is small, thank goodness, as I have to go to work. I am attempting to kill it with fire (ie coffee).