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@damana I just mean I’ll be in my training course at the actual time of it. I’ll give it a watch later if I can!

@lemon_lime YEAH, SUMMER HAIR!

@imdominating I can’t believe they lasted this long!

@lemon_lime I bet it’s nice in the heat. Wish I was brave enough to do that! Looks great. 🙂

New CrossFit gym has opened near my house. It’s $225/month. Is that insane? Is that normal? It seems really, REALLY expensive.

@tunaranch @Alegrya @cdeagle It’s this one: It just seems crazy expensive.

@cdeagle In USD it’s even more. (Your dollar is in the toilet right now.)

@misswired Crap, just leaving work now! Probably home closer to 7…

Grr. Did I lend Debbie Bliss’s “Rialto” to somebody? I want to knit something from it and I can’t find it!

@kunaal84 But you get to vent to me! Remember, I’m always #teamkunaal.

@redambition Hence the popularity of “Fuck it, lets go to Vegas!”

One of my co-workers’ ringtones sounds like the ice cream truck. I just nearly jumped out of my chair.