Best AskMeFi ever: Are we given any indication about the nature of Fozzie Bear’s sexuality?
Haha, apparently #Fitbit allows me to “taunt” my friends on there. I just taunted @crumpet. TAKE THAT! 😛
@richbuggy I have no idea what the “taunting” does. Or do you mean on account of exercise? Rest easy; I am mostly sedentary due to injury.
@chewxy @richbuggy Easier said than done. I’m having an MRI on my knee in about 15 hours.
Tonight’s FoodConnect veggie box included the biggest Black Russian I’ve ever seen. Get in MAH BELLEH!
@drkknits I cut it up and had enough for three salads!
@Ascasewwen Zig zag for me too. Although I learned recently from Negroni shirt pattern how to do flat felled, which is awesome.
Getting MRI on my knee. MAGNETS – HOW DO THEY WORK?! (@ Alfred Medical Imaging)
There are, like, 10 babies in the waiting area. I hope I don’t get sick. (@ Broadway General Practice)