@travellersyarn You mean, like the newsletter? @knitabulous is the new newsletter editor, so I think she’s the best for that!
@knitabulous I think @travellersyarn is saying she doesn’t think she’s on the email newsletter list?
@travellersyarn @knitabulous Totally separate. Those emails went out to users who registered on the website – not the newsletter list.
@witty_knitter @knitabulous At least one IC member had a virus and was sending it out. I emailed to let her know and she replied today.
Does anybody else feel like quitting the Internet entirely and learning to make chairs or something? Just me?
I want to be one of those Vickys from “The Diamond Age.” Make handmade paper and rocking chairs for rich people weary of technology.
@drkknits Dipping candles would be relaxing, I think. Or making shoes.
@drkknits And then open a shop in Portland. Or Surry Hills.
@Opheli8 Congratulations! Can you say where? Does it involve ringtones? 🙂
@drkknits You’re not with Telstra, are you?
RT @dhgarske: Telstra is planning to slow the speed of downloads using peer-to-peer (P2P) networks http://t.co/chZXdC9n
@gemma747 Congratulations!
My ability to climb stairs is getting worse. This knee! I need Mr Miyagi to do that thing where he rubs his hands and resets it.
@randomknits That’s so cool!!
@drkknits @randomknits Can I just say, I was HORRIFIED to see him called that in an SMH headline. To a Yank, it’s just so WRONG.
The @KnitGuildNSW site is back online. Logins will be disabled for the time being. @Kat13v and @SallyPompom – will email soon.
After the last 24 hours, it’s nice to have a hacker working for me for a change. http://t.co/SFh4gh1Q
@witty_knitter @SallyPompom @kat13v Admin functionality restored. My husband is the friggin’ best, I swear.
RT @DannyDutch: This Photo Will Change Your Life Forever http://t.co/VqvcqdJt // @kunaal84 – you should do this at work tomorrow.
DAMMIT. Rejected at the Red Cross AGAIN! Because of my stupid knee. If there’s any chance I’ll need surgery, they won’t take my blood. GAHH.
@TwiDJG I have a running injury, had an MRI few weeks ago, seeing specialist tomorrow. Surgery extremely unlikely, but Red Cross adamant.
@TwiDJG If you’re under investigation and there’s any chance of surgery, they won’t let you donate. Because you’ll need your own blood.
@TwiDJG Yeah. They actually gave me a permission slip for my sports doctor to sign before they’ll let me donate.
@redambition I think the idea is if there’s any chance I’ll have surgery in the near future, they don’t want me down a pint a blood.
RT @Offbeatceremony: The British Parliament have just passed #samesex marriage, come on #JulieGillard, do the same for Australia, make.. …