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@Helen__H Drool. Is that from Charlie and Co?

@tashj I know this! A franking machine is what businesses use to print their own postage on envelopes (rather than use stamps).

RT @crumpet: One of the best things I’ve seen all day. Thanks, @WhoGivesACrapTP

@Helen__H Yeah, I thought so. Charlie & Co is one if those stands – they do truffle fries!

RT @BestMarrickvlle: RT @recyclarama: Have boxed over 500 vintage patterns and craft books for sale at Stash and Treasure market #Marric …

Going to see sports physician for official new knee diagnosis. Something has to change.

Well, this is progress, I guess? Good news is no surgery.

@misswired The X is marking the lazyass muscle that’s not doing its job in keeping patella centred. Taping/brace/phyio to the rescue!

@drkknits I have to order a special brace. Also seeing physio this arvo, so working from home today.

@drkknits We discussed some in general, but advised to discuss in depth with physio. The tape feels WEIRD.

RT @Sitback: Sitback’s latest project is live // Klink is Optus owned product… I worked on this! For a long time!

@mudsurfer Actually my doc works with the Sydney Roosters and a couple other sports teams:

What is the point of having family gossip if @imdominating doesn’t sign in to Google Chat?

“What? No children? Fending off the final female taboo” // Shriver’s comments made me gasp. But… yeah. Kinda.