Shared today on Twitter

I’ve seen tweets about storms in the Mountains & down the coast… but still no rain in Chippendale. There’s a deliciously cool breeze though.

@knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @Helen__H It’s raining now! We had two brief storm bands come through.

The cool change has made baking less torturous. Snickerdoodles in process…

Cooktop repair guy is here, putting new motherboard in Blanco. Fingers crossed…

Guess what? “Cheap” part didn’t fix it. Next part to try costs triple. I am really, really lucky that Blanco is covering as warranty job.

@stufromoz Fancy induction. Works great… when it works. Starting to think Blanco quality is less than promised.

@eileenDCoE This was a weird new recipe. They didn’t spread much; remained very round and tall like little domes. Tasty though.

Cautiously optimistic about my knee. Three days of foam rollering and exercises have resulted in the loud click nearly disappearing!

@jojoconstance I should have made banana cake too. Don’t think these were my best cookies. That’s what I get for trying a new recipe…

@Helen__H Obviously you have been kidnapped and your Evil Roam Roller is actually controlling your Twitter account. Nobody loves a roller!

@makarakarn Nope. Fail. They have no idea; they’re just swapping parts at random. Next one is 3x the cost. BUGGER.

@makarakarn I complained last week, so they’re fixing it as warranty, thank goodness. But we can still only use 1 burner out of 3 til fixed!