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@catehstn I’ll be interested to hear what you think! I got a Fitbit One for Xmas. I like it but I worry I’ll lose it since it’s so tiny!

Dear @the_snook: Will you be my Valentine… at @DoTheDip? 😛

RT @the_snook: @web_goddess @DoTheDip What are you waiting for sweet cheeks? BOOK IT ALREADY! // This is why you are my Valentine.

@Illdrinn Unfortunately I come from the Midwest, so I live with this reality. What I paid in Sydney would buy a MANSION in Indiana. 🙁

@tali3sin I’m not here against my will. 🙂

@tali3sin There are other downsides to living there. Having to drive everywhere, shit weather half the year, crap coffee, etc…

@tali3sin My partner & I talk about moving there someday. When I’m older and I care less about going out, etc.

@tali3sin In a parallel dream world, I am rich enough to alternate summers in Sydney and Chicago.

RT @ZachWeiner: Every now and then I really wish Hyperbole and a Half were still updating. Hope Allie Brosh is out there somewhere very …

@Illdrinn We actually checked prices when we were home at Christmas. My brother bought a foreclosed farmhouse for a song.

@laimelde congratulations!!

Dear Tegan & Sara: I would get more work done if I didn’t have to stop every 3 minutes and favourite another of your songs on Spotify.

@Kat13v Good on you. I’m trying again on Wednesday. Got permission from the doc this time. 🙂

@tali3sin Chicago in the summer is a wonderful thing. Lake, sun, concerts, park, festivals, baseball, everything.

Saying farewell to @trpurcell in the office!

Pozole! Slow cooker Mexican pork soup with hominy. YUM.

@that_alison Google it. It’s corn that’s been treated in a special way.

Apparently Margaret & David are programming Rage this weekend. That is awesome. However I am old and sleepy, so I will set the DVR.

@steven_noble Very cool! Jude sounds like a great kid. 🙂

Dear Leopard Print Trench Coat in the Louis Vuitton window: I love you, but I would wear you with pants.

@codepo8 I like the use of pink and blue. BECAUSE I’M A GIRL, AND I LIKE BARBIES.

@codepo8 Sadly, Computer Engineer Barbie is gazing at me with betrayal. I’m sorry, Barbie. Your pink specs are awesome.

@randomknits I think they should just be more honest and call it DIABETES FLAVOUR.