Shared today on Twitter

Just caught one of the burly builders in the garden singing along to Adele on the radio. I told him he was shattering my worldview.

@drkknits I stocked up. I still have 1.5 jars left. 😛

By the way, the 8 dozen cookies are happening. Batch 2 just came out of the oven.

@pixel8ted Chocolate Chip. So I can make Martha Stewart’s Icebox Cake for @kunaal84’s birthday tomorrow.

RT @Y7News: Man and woman, preferably married, wanted for expedition to #Mars. // @the_snook – IT IS OUR DESTINY.

@the_snook Bah. Like you wanna be a farmer. Sitting in a capsule and playing Warcraft for a year and half is more your thing!

@sebsharp Because I was being totally and utterly sincere and not at all ironic.

@sebsharp Haha, random. My friends who are lovers of burly men – both gay and straight – didn’t think so. But thanks for letting me know.

The most useful people on the Internet are the ones who pop up out of nowhere to be mean to you.

I guess the higher ground is to assume they’re having a bad day, rather than being a miserable jerk who likes to judge others.

@stufromoz I had a drive-by trolling because of my tweet about the builder and Adele. He didn’t find it as amusing as the builder and I did.

@witty_knitter Don’t worry; I blocked him. Let’s just leave it be. Isn’t that grown-up of me? (I’m having a good day otherwise!)

Is that 4 or 5 dozen? I’ve honestly lost count…

@drkknits Martha says they should be “crispy”, so they’re coming out a fair bit browner than I normally make them.

RT @JennaPrice: Great news for Broadway pedestrians! The RMS has applied for funding to close Wattle St slipway & put in traffic sig …

@drkknits @Gidgetknits Did I ever show you a pic of Rodd’s chocolate pav?

@Gidgetknits @drkknits I think he actually prefers to use raspberries. We must not have been able to get them for that one…

Fun = inadvertently opening a 53,000 line Excel spreadsheet from the work server over the VPN. #chugchug

@drkknits @Gidgetknits I believe this is, in fact, the recipe:

@RoseRed_Shoes Is it… RED?

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @gidgetknits I’ve decided ours isn’t great either. Hot spot in back, and I think it runs hot overall.

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes @gidgetknits Martha said to bake cookies for 14 min – I had to pull them at 10 before they burnt!

@drkknits I was trying to check it with a manual thermometer today, but I think our thermometer is wonky too. *sigh*

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits @gidgetknits Yeah, it helped a bit. But still it’s too hot, and I can’t work out how to compensate.

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Well, duh! I was being scientific trying to work out exactly how much to turn down. Need a better thermometer.

I feel like some brainless, old school gaming tonight. Don’t I still have a Gameboy Color around here somewhere…?

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I had it down 15 degrees today, and they were still cooking faster than recipe said. COULD MARTHA HAVE MISLED ME?!

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I was trying to use Rodd’s fancy electric one with a probe. But he thinks it’s broken.

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Probe.

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes (It’s just fun to say.)

@drkknits @lemon_lime @RoseRed_Shoes Just a big ceramic tile. You can buy them special, or just use one from Bunnings, I believe.

@drkknits @lemon_lime @RoseRed_Shoes Idea is it retains heat and helps even out your oven fluctuations.

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Well, she can’t very well keep an eye on the kitchen timer when she’s busy sucking on all the kitchen implements!

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits (I used a more graphic word at first and then changed it.)

@drkknits @lemon_lime @rosered_shoes I have eaten one of Josh’s homemade pies. *pause* He’s a really good coder. (Sorry, Josh! 😛 )

Awww, just got to FaceTime with @kunaal84 and his wife. The novelty of seeing them together is starting to wear off a little!

I’m still slightly bitter that I missed out on @dothedip’s Seinfeld trivia night last week. I could’ve won. I’M THE BEST, JERRY. THE BEST!

That’s 68 choc chip cookies in 9 layers glued together with copious amounts of cream and mascarpone!

The garden renovation is now on pause for the next three days while the Sydney rain attempts to flush us all into the harbour. Again.

RT @Kev_C_Murray: People really need to stop using the phrase ‘final solution’ on this project.

@neil_killick @brown_note Have been following the whole #NoEstimates debate with much interest. Wish I was in Melbourne to meet up!

@randomknits Hahaha. I’d told myself I was going to stay strong – and then promptly ate two cookies. They did make me feel like ASS though.

@randomknits Unfortunately I already let it slip to everybody at work. They’d lynch me if I didn’t bring it in at this point.

RT @miss_shiny: Nick Cave just impregnated the entire Sydney Opera House.

@clepetit In ONE day? What the hell did you do, walk to Bondi?? I’d friend you on there, but you’d clearly kick my ass.

@clepetit 16,224 was my best since Christmas. Good grief.

@clepetit I injured my knee last year. Went from running marathons to wincing when I climb stairs. Fitbit thinks I am MOSTLY SEDENTARY. 🙁

@clepetit Okay, fine, add me if you like. At least it might provide additional guilt to get moving!

@clepetit Ugh. I have also worked from home for 2 days due to reno. So I haven’t even cracked 1000 today.

@clepetit Hahahaha. You just jumped to #1 on my friends list by far. This is working already. I might walk to work tomorrow. 🙂

RT @testchick: “No Mr PM, adding a bunch of BAs to the test team two weeks before go live will NOT help productivity.”

@testchick I’m a BA, and I’d wear that on a t-shirt.

@Helen__H I love the wall of wool! Mine is all packed away in tubs in the closet. Hmmm. Ideas…

@pyko Go Peggy Go!

@deewu Sure – it’s this one:

@mattgemmell I actually dug out the old GameBoy Advance this morning.

Kicking it old school on the bus today… #drmarioforever

@mattgemmell I forgot this damn thing has no backlight. Very difficult to see on the bus…

RT @adamliaw: I just ate popcorn before breakfast because no pope, no rules. #nopope

@redambition Wait, what? Which Guild? It’s not IC Guild day!

@redambition @drkknits Haha, it’s just that this Secretary sends out stuff earlier in the month. Throws off my whole sense of time! 🙂