Shared today on Twitter

RT @smperris: People really should unfollow more and argue less. Life is too short to spend it being outraged on the internet.

@drkknits You gotta make a list! It’s critical.

RT @ppetrovski: Striking a Balance: Great Work and the Minimum Viable Product

The smugness of remembering to bring one’s KeepCup. (@ Toby’s Estate)

Anticipating very loud Tegan & Sara music and dancing bearded men with no pants. No, not going to Mardi Gras. Just Saturday night at home.

@witty_knitter @SandraHW Very nice! Where did you get it?

RT @DoTheDip: Before you head out tonight come and get a RAINBOW DOG! Blue = jalapenos, red = tomato salsa, yellow =…

@randomknits You kill me. KILL ME.


Decided to cast on for 3rd Show item. Because really, if I don’t have the judging to bitch about for 12 months, my life will be empty.

On the plus side, it’s not beaded. Because I’m not an insane masochist, like my Knitting Show Nemesis @miss_reecie.

@miss_reecie My soundtrack: “You’re the Best” by Joe Esposito from the Karate Kid soundtrack. BRING IT.

@Alacaeriel @miss_reecie That’s bravery! My nemesis has an annoying habit of winning categories the first time she enters them.

@SallyPompom @witty_knitter Did you have wine? I find a glass of wine is crucial to that first cut.

@randomknits Is it underneath a BIG FRICKIN’ PILE OF LIBERTY PRINTS, maybe?

@SallyPompom @witty_knitter You steeked for the first time – SOBER? Me and the ghost of Elizabeth Zimmerman are quietly horrified.

@mattgemmell First Xmas with my now husband, he converted an NES controller to parallel port (it was 2000) so I could run MAME. #truelove

RT @Salon: Sheryl Sandberg’s critics seem to say that if you can’t solve everyone’s problems, don’t solve anyone’s

RT @HuffingtonPost: LOOK: Google explains how search works with amazing interactive infographic