RT @9NewsSyd: 9RAW VIDEO: The moment 3 armed men robbed an #Armaguard van outside #Broadway shopping centre http://t.co/XNtVEZ5RV1 #9Mor …
@Alex_Manchester Meh. I agree with every single comment about their stupid auto-playing video.
@Alex_Manchester I was using the Fairfax Video Blocker extension, but it doesn’t seem to work anymore. You got a better way in Chrome?
@Alex_Manchester Right. I’m not offended by redesign so much as emphasis on video and imagery to detriment of quality journalism & editing.
I’ve got 72 hours to whip up a Game of Thrones related costume, preferably not “Medieval Whore”. Any ideas?
RT @heathergracious: @web_goddess Hodor? Hodor hodor hodor. // HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
How hard do you reckon it’d be to scupt a horse’s heart out of gelatin? Real question.
@pixel8ted Yeah, just hoping something less boring! I think Brienne might be the go, but I need some armour.
@twelveeyes Or approximate, in some sort of fashion. Doesn’t need to be anatomically correct, just messy. Given that I’d be eating it.
@pixel8ted 72 hours, remember.
@twelveeyes Ah, nevermind. The Snook refuses to dress as Khal Drogo anyway.
@dhgarske That’s Brienne. Yeah, I’m thinking her. Just need some armour and a sword.
@heathergracious @drkknits That’s not bad – he can change his face! Anybody could be him!
@heathergracious @drkknits A girl could have a lot of fun with that.
RT @DhyanaScarano: Ignite Sydney 10 is open for registrations. Always a great night at the Oxford Art Factory http://t.co/4wJwfWryiy
Did anybody else in the Rocks/CBD lose power, or is it just our awesome building?
@janiematts Ooh, tempting. You really got one?
@eobeara I don’t have any soft dragon toys. And I’m not in the mood to go nekkid. 🙂
Thanks to @janiematts, I’ve now got a medieval hoochie dress! Now how to style? I’m thinking perhaps Asha Greyjoy, as it has pirate vibe…
@DDsD @janiematts Depending on styling, I could look like Petyr Baelish isy employer…
Pan Roasted Chicken Breast with Dijon & Tarragon, Asparagus, and Cauliflower “Rice” #paleo http://t.co/6AiZhzLjZ3
Medieval wench! It’s actually rather ragged – now I’m thinking maybe White Walker? http://t.co/a16dPu1Zsp
@drkknits Or else Asha Greyjoy. With boots, maybe, with a kraken sigil somewhere? I PAY THE IRON PRICE, BITCHES.
@drkknits She wears pants on the show, true.
@drkknits Only if the Snook can do Jon Snow, and he doesn’t have his fro anymore, sadly.
@drkknits Cree. Pee. I suggested he go as the Drowned God. 😀
@kunaal84 Wait, you’re going too? AWESOME!
@kunaal84 Sweet! The Snook had suggested I take my “other husband” instead. Now we can all go! 🙂
Power went out at work at 5pm last night, and apparently it’s still not back. I’m on the bus heading in… for some reason. Not sure.
@BendalongMorgan Judging by emails, most of them have already grabbed their laptops and headed home!
@BendalongMorgan For all the lucky ones who don’t have meetings. (Unlike me.)