@Ausgrid Hmm. Lights flickered a while ago, but still nothing! Something go wrong?
RT @atlassian: Looking to become more #Agile? Join @AtlassianExpert @GLiNTECH at Australia’s 1st ever #Scrum conference http://t.co/oOMh …
I have to use the bathroom. Due to continuing power outage, ladies room is Bottomless Pit of Blackness. iPhone Flashlight app to the rescue?
@auspost Ah. Still, $3 to send a postcard separate to the package I was already sending doesn’t really help!
@dancingman Still no power! This sucks. Any idea what’s going on? There are like a dozen guys digging a hole on Lower Ft. St.
Ausgrid are now digging up the pavement directly on front of our office door. 48hrs without power and counting… http://t.co/8rBOS3DEVC
@mcannonbrookes Yowza. That’s some accountability!
Knee. Physio. Again. (@ The Sports Clinic) http://t.co/fLJq2oj93p
@eobeara The first day we all worked from home. Today they rented a generator so we could power up office network.
Good session at physio. It’s hard to recognise progress after a year of chronic pain, but my knee is definitely improving.
@eobeara It is. It still hurts, but I can objectively squat farther than I could before. Running still forbidden though.
For the record, Google Goggles seems to work better at deciphering slightly wonky QR codes than other dedicated apps.
@witty_knitter Yes, check the URL. I just haven’t put the content up yet. YAY! What app did you use?
@drkknits Google Goggles is best, I think, though you can try dedicated apps too.
@witty_knitter Awesome!! Blocking the crap out of it seems to be key.
I don’t even care if it doesn’t work once it’s sewn on. We’ve had multiple successful tests of concept, and that’s good enough for Art!
@eobeara Fantastic! There will be content up on the page soon. Just wanted to prove it would work!! Thanks!!
@witty_knitter In fairisle on 2mm needles, no less. 😛
… And now I’ve got to knit another one. Dammit.
Second QR code knitted, and it also works. BOOYAH.
@misswired Seen that one before. I have trouble with anything like that since Halloween here is always so hot.
@drkknits Awesome. I knew some sleep would do the trick!
@wheelyweb There are special meta-tags for it. http://t.co/wyiomAcXzC
Day 3 of no power at Lower Fort Street. Luckily I’m at home for the gardeners, so at least I can see when I go to the toilet.
Me: “I dreamed that zombies were chasing me!” Rodd: “I dreamed that we left the grill on in the oven for 3 months.” We have different fears.
@imdominating @drkknits THAT’S THE PICKLE TASTING PLATE PLACE!