@ppetrovski I’m trying out http://t.co/TWEaCqyLQr. Importing my subs over there right now…
For anybody setting up http://t.co/TWEaCqyLQr, I’m on there as “krishoward” if you want to follow me.
RT @Pinboard: “We need to focus. Keep the self-driving cars, magic glasses, laptop, handheld OS, and Brazilian social network. Ditch the …
@knitterjp @Helen__H @liamvhogan @Alegrya So far The Old Reader looks good. Must be getting slammed; taking a while to import my feeds.
RT @TheOldReader: Hello new users. There are quite a lot of you because of that GR news, so things will be slow while you try to import …
@codepo8 I’m trying out The Old Reader. Getting slammed now, but it looks good. It’s got the old sharing/commenting too.
Annoyed that @the_snook signed up for @TheOldReader after me, yet his feeds are all imported and I’ve only got 3.
Manually setting up all my RSS feeds on The Old Reader. Huh. A lot of these sites are dead. I guess it was time for a spring clean anyway!
@liamvhogan It strikes me that I may be screwing myself doing them manually if the import I kicked off ever does finish.
@Alegrya I figured it out! Double click on the folder name.
@handmethepanda @Alegrya Not that I can see, but if @TheOldReader wants cash, I will happily throw some their way!
Pretty much going nuclear on Google Reader. As each feed folder is moved to @TheOldReader, I’m hitting “unsub from all”. NO GOING BACK.
@wheelyweb I vote YEA!
@drkknits GODDAMIT VIRGINIA. Hey @lemon_lime, your area has a lot to answer for!
@drkknits @imdominating No, Hicksville is in Ohio. I know because I was born there. (No shit.)
@KathrynElliott Huh! Very different to my experience. Whole30 is very strict though. I aim for a little more leeway.
Any knitters going to M&S tonight? (Or more specifically – to the Bowlo?)
Woohoo! Interview lined up for Monday with State Library. (Too bad I wore my sexy librarian outfit today.) http://t.co/grQ50ObgUu
@knitterjp @messicat Oh good. I might meet you over at 99 York…
The SEO “blog network” spam I get is ridiculous. “We’ll give you spam copy for your site, and in return you get a $15 website review.” FAIL.
@zosainsbury I signed up to http://t.co/6iqCycIfBe today. Lots of refugees heading there.
@zosainsbury It’s a bit slow right now – think they got hammered today.
@mrs_sockvictim Who’s this Tim fellow? ๐
@messicat @knitterjp @smark31 @1funkyknitwit I’m having some beers with a colleague first, so I’ll go to the bowling club. ๐
The Festival of Redundancy continues. Beers at The Lord Nelson with @venks79, @kunaal84, and Zagbot; now beers at the Bowlo with knitters!
@BendalongMorgan Really?! What were you doing for them? I was meant to interview tomorrow but couldn’t make it.
I met Galina Khmeleva tonight at M&S and showed her photos of my Show knitting and she said it was beautiful. Awesome.
@TheOldReader @the_snook It’s okay! I love your service so far. I’m serious; I’ll pay to keep it going!
@BendalongMorgan It’s Senior Business Analyst working in digital department. Not sure what sort of projects exactly yet…
@mrs_sockvictim Everyone was gone when I got to M&S, so I was the only one who met her. (She was talking to Mrs M.)
Last night I learned you can buy a takeaway bottle of wine at the Bowling Club for $9.50. Today I have a terrible headache. Related.
@drkknits 7:30. Ow. My head.
@drkknits It’s my Festival of Birthday Redundancy.
Yay! Overnight all my RSS feeds got imported into @TheOldReader. Loving it.
Well, @kunaal84 didn’t bake for me… but I forgive him. ๐ http://t.co/ctt2SMUzFv
@brown_note It’s hard, isn’t it? Most people don’t enjoy reading info from sources they disagree with, so you don’t usually seek it out.
I am going to miss my Magic Mouse. Thinking of buying my own, but damn, $75?! Does anybody know of a non-Apple alternative that works well?