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I’m sure Linux folks are rolling their eyes but I am freaking loving my Ubuntu system. Figured out messaging tray, workspaces, shortcuts etc

We found the new hipster hotspot in Chippo. Rodd (@ Brickfields w/ 4 others) [pic]:

My birthday present was a clock! I think it really ties the room together. #hipster

@mrs_sockvictim Haha, bit early in the day, Miss Fee! (But maybe not for us Ladies of Leisure…)

@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits I thought I was prepared for the horror. I was not.

I blogged my three Easter Show entries this year, including the QR Code Mittens:

@toastman The sandwiches were very good, but very expensive.

@RoseRed_Shoes The case seems to reserved for Things That Take a Really Long Time. I can’t imagine dedicating that much effort to lace.

@RoseRed_Shoes The percentage of Time Spent Not Knitting Red Lace Thing was very, very high. I hated that damn thing.

More blogging! What, WHAT?! I KNOW! I realised I’d never documented sewing the Hobbes toy:

@mudsurfer I included a rather lengthy tag explaining! My friend was there as apprentice judge/observer, so I figured she could help too. 🙂

My cousin shared a religious-themed photo of the g’pa from Duck Dynasty on FB. And I swear, my first guess was that it was Aeron Damphair.

Asha Greyjoy’s Inbox. Bahahahahahaha! (cc @drkknits)

RT @Grantland33: Will Matt Lauer be Alex Trebek’s successor? by @joereid // I’d torrent Anderson Cooper, FWIW.

Things you don’t want to hear when *someone* is putting a new hard drive in your computer: “Well, THAT didn’t do what I expected.”

@catehstn Shit. That really sucks. Can I help? Where do you live? I could use a walking buddy. Injury has made me way too sedentary.

@drkknits Ooh, this is pretty good too! Love the foreshadowing at the very very end…

@drkknits I’ve heard of them! Connected to Dave Eggers and McSweeneys, I believe.

@knitdra @knitterjp @drkknits @randomknits @smark31 WHOA, I TOTALLY MISSED THIS! GO AL! GO! COME ON, SEVEN!

@drkknits WHO IS WHISTLER.

@drkknits I fucking love Jeopardy. There’s a rumour going that Anderson Cooper may replace Alek when he retires in a few years.