Shared today on Twitter

@codepo8 I was mostly being narky. Still pissed off about this:

Ha. A MeFite made actual Bingo cards for these “Privileged women tell others how they’re doing it wrong” stories.

The gardeners are removing the tile saw! It’s actually happening!

@randomknits @RoseRed_Shoes SAVE SOME FOR ME! Hoping a bus here shortly…

@drkknits @witty_knitter I read that in Lucille’s voice, of course.

@drkknits You have a damn smartphone, woman! Coming up on noon.

@drkknits Well, my iPhone has a world clock. I know what time it is EVERYWHERE.

Jane failed to stop me buying the most ridiculous fabric ever. @ Calico And Ivy

@witty_knitter @RoseRed_Shoes I was actually thinking a 50’s style shirtdress. ๐Ÿ™‚

@witty_knitter @RoseRed_Shoes See? Now I HAVE to do it. There’s no such thing as “too much.”

@arwenamin @witty_knitter @RoseRed_Shoes The background actually is pale pink, btw. It’s ridiculous and I love it.

It’s like if Gaston ran a pub in Balmain. (@ The Riverview Hotel) [pic]:

@randomknits I’m an INFLUENCER, GODDAMIT. It’ll be all over the runways next season.

Walked all the way home from Balmain. Reward time! @ Grand Gelato

@randomknits @knitterjp @RoseRed_Shoes @mrs_sockvictim I didn’t get any Liberty. Too rich for my blood, and not nearly LAIRY ENOUGH!

Waiting for the Snook so we can head off to the Easter Show Arts Preview Night. Oh yes, victory is imminent. I can taste it.

@knitdra Ah, that’s why she asked where it was! I would have chipped in. ๐Ÿ™‚

@knitdra My sis said the same thing. But background is pale pink!

@nehadk Actually, I’d like to go! Been meaning to but keep forgetting.

@mrs_sockvictim Wait, what? I thought @randomknits said the orange was all gone??

@neil_killick I went for the latter. Left corp. IT for 3yr to run knitting shop. Loved it, but eventually came back to IT for $$ (mortgage).

@randomknits Zena just posted some pics on Instagram. I see ribbons!!

@randomknits I’m still on the damn All Stops train…

@mrs_sockvictim Still on the train. Saw pics of Zena’s stuff, @Kat13v looks to have scored a ribbon too!

@mrs_sockvictim Both have shared them to FB!

@nehadk Damn. Thursdays are my worst days next 2 weeks! Maybe weekend then?

@lemon_lime @webblastsyd Me and @the_snook…

@randomknits @Alacaeriel Did Reecie win again? I’m still stuck on the damn train…

@randomknits Stopped in at Sew Make Create on my way home. She flipped out when I said you were closing. Expect a visit!

Achievement unlocked: blue ribbon for my vest!

And a second for my QR code mittens!

Did anybody else have “Kris wins a blue ribbon” on their Easter Show Bingo card? No? Just me then? #suckithaters

@neil_killick I do! Just won a blue ribbon for it at the Easter Show. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lace won by Helene Taylor and Mark Eagleton.

It appears my nemesis @miss_reecie has defeated me. Well done!

@randomknits You are asking the wrong frickin person.

@neil_killick Sure! But my hourly rate is high and I suck at estimating. ๐Ÿ™‚

@randomknits Meh. It was 20 minutes of looking at knitting and then a lot of small talk. You didn’t miss much!

@randomknits @RoseRed_Shoes got a 1st!! and some 3rds, @knitabulous got a 3rd too!

@clepetit Thank god. I might actually stand a chance of catching you then.

@Alacaeriel @randomknits @miss_reecie @redambition Yes, I heard judges moved both shawls out of beaded.

@clepetit I did 15K today and it nearly killed me. I don’t know how you hit 25K+.

@randomknits I like a leather “thimble” for handquilting. Protects my finger but gives a bit more feeling and control!

RT @eileenDCoE: So proud of @web_goddess for her Easter Show victory!! // YAY! I’m so excited you’ll get to see it in person next week! ๐Ÿ™‚

@Justacogitating According to the apprentice judge I spoke to, they actually “got” it. That was my biggest worry!

@randomknits Mine was just a crappy Birch one I got at TC. I totally destroyed it on my first quilt, which is why it has 2 blood spots.

@GeorgieKnits Thank you!

@Helen__H Hahahaha, thanks. I’m just glad that the concept was so well received by everybody!

@lifeasdaddy Thank you thank you!

@drkknits Too true! I should have given you credit. I think I did on the blog post though… ๐Ÿ™‚

@mmastertheone @pinkcatknits @miss_reecie Thank you thank you!

@pyko @Yarna_ @gemma747 Thank you!

@messicat Hahaha, you made me LOL during the Arts Preview. ๐Ÿ˜›

@stringy Thank you!

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes BEGINNER’S LUCK! Well, somebody had to say it. Although somewhat mitigated by legitimate crochet awesomeness. ๐Ÿ˜›

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Definitely. I saw many things that I’d actually wear. And the crochet toys were straight-up BETTER than knitted.

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Although that may be because Jean Greenhowe never designed any fucking crochet clowns.

@drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes Yep. Same old Santa and Mrs Claus. But there were other cooler things too. I liked @Kat13v’s “Dr Whooves” a lot!

@drkknits Facebook and Twitter are frenemies.

@jannism I saw that a few times in the past couple hours.

RT @ColettePatterns: Today on the blog: Introducing Laurel // Purchased! And I’ve got the PERFECT fabric for it!

@jojoconstance Definitely! Then go get some group shots in front of the Opera House or something. @colettepatterns would love that!

@redambition Hahaha, I saw that category too. I said to Rodd: That category is RIPE FOR THE PICKING.

Well, it looks like one job offer may be incoming today. Decisions, decisions, decisions…

@venks79 I have this thing where sometimes I have no confidence in myself. I’m trying hard to fight it. But yeah, sometimes.

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.