Holy crap. This new PO is from THE FUTURE. (@ Australia Post – @auspost) http://t.co/NfTx0IO9AH
Let Them Eat Fat – http://t.co/2thjU9ocE2 via @WSJ // HEAR HEAR! #paleo cc @drkknits
Turns out that corporate finance doesn’t like to employ criminals, and you have to jump through some serious hoops to prove you aren’t one!
@nolim1t They don’t seem to mind if you sold dodgy premium SMS services to dumb teenagers, so I think I’m okay. 🙂
A day of frustration and annoyance, mostly due to bias tube appliqué and my suckiness at it. http://t.co/OxfwizddLl
@knitterjp @knitdra Yep. Had to get cert. copy of 100pts of ID, fill out forms, etc.
@pixel8ted I am very annoyed at that pucker in the middle.
@randomknits @gilmae The self-cleaning cycle on our oven gets pretty hot. I’ll turn him to ash and we’ll split the plane fare!
@bezthomas Oh cool! Unfortunately I only got them to work flat, so the way they’ve stuffed them rather buggers it up.
@drkknits You should go to MoMA now and see Tilda sleeping in a box!! http://t.co/kUTgdx7FFC
@drkknits Hahahaha. We’re always 12 hours behind the big apple…
It’s not every day you get to use the phrase “nipple-related shenanigans” in an email. (The context was not as fun as you imagine.)
@Gidgetknits @drkknits She’s in complete quilter denial. But it’s cool, because I think I’m totes over quilts.
@wheelyweb Ha! I myself have been similarly confused by Spotify charges at least twice.