@pyko Possibly, depending on the other options. However, IIRC my friend @randomknits was stranded by them a few years ago.
FFFFUUUUU. Totally forgot about Show pickup. Anybody there??
OMG. We made it. 15min late, but still able to collect. GOOD GRIEF.
@aunty_toots @RoseRed_Shoes They closed at 4. We got there at 4:15 and thankfully they let us in! Phew.
So that was exciting. Sudden crazyfast trip to Olympic Park complete. And hey, I got to see my new office for Monday!
@drkknits *drool* But I’m back in ketosis and hoping to stay that way… ๐
John Birmingham just successfully shamed me into buying Game of Thrones on iTunes. http://t.co/jp4ZFRxfVw
@SMinney Yeah, I hadn’t realised it was available on iTunes. $3 an episode seems like a fair price to me.
@SMinney Of course, we don’t have Apple TV so may continue to download anyway since we can play that more easily. At least now no guilt. ๐
@drkknits @randomknits We may still download. Paying just means I won’t feel guilty. ๐ (ITunes DRM can be stripped. Google FairPlay.)
Decided I needed a talisman for New Job Success. Love this stuff. http://t.co/zMMO2zmOF7
No, this is *not* my boyfriend’s computer. http://t.co/cAEhfj8n84 LOVE IT.
@mintie I found the site, but I don’t see it available anymore. ๐ http://t.co/2ye6LUhuHV
@drkknits @mintie I figured. It’s cool. I’m braindead too; realised when I got home that I had a tube of it stashed away already. DOH.
@neil_killick I was born in March. March sucks in the US, and it sucks here. I like summer and winter both equally. ๐
@drkknits I honestly forgot that it existed. Was going to chemist for Zyrtec when I thought of getting. Was paying when I realised I had it.
@eobeara I can’t justify paying $75-100 a month for cable when there are only 1-2 shows on it I want to see.
@eobeara Australian free TV is pretty good. BBT is on it several times a week. ๐
@eileenDCoE Pics or it didn’t happen.
@drkknits @knitdra HERMIONE WINS. Check out my sleep graph from last night. I was basically DEAD. http://t.co/A2FMsvr9JY
@drkknits @knitdra That said, on a normal night I usually wake up 10+ times. No idea why I was in a coma last night.
@drkknits @knitdra No, no, I simply stuck it to the bulletin board in my office with ALL THE OTHER RIBBONS. ๐
@drkknits @knitdra *snort* My days as a professional (or volunteer, for that matter) knitting ANYTHING are coming to an end, you’ll see.
@drkknits @lemon_lime @knitdra Nope. No booze, no drugs other than antibiotics.
@drkknits @knitdra Possibly. It’s on my wrist though, so I likely would’ve noticed. ๐
RT @mpesce: Speaking of #GoT, this just in from @bruces http://t.co/kXsm0e8GwM // Brilliant! cc @drkknits @mrs_sockvictim
@Alacaeriel Yes, got them at 4:15. https://t.co/sj927fBWCQ
@kateslemay I can’t believe she’s one already!!