Shared today on Twitter

Challenging day. My poor brain hasn’t had this sort of workout in a very long time. Right now it feels like a dumb lump of wood.

@handmethepanda How’d you know? 🙂

Have successfully handed over all details of Guild website hosting to @udjamaflip. That’s been on my To Do list for THREE YEARS! *relief*

@SallyPompom @udjamaflip I actually have no idea! We’ve yet to meet in real life, I think.

@SallyPompom @udjamaflip Oh, durrr. Just realised his Twitter says he’s from the UK. 🙂

@clepetit So @pbur is to you, as you are to me? 🙂

RT @petersagal: My first take at a complete account of what happened yesterday in Boston, for @Runnersworld

@TrinityMartinez @imdominating Is this VM3? I’m honestly puzzled. Perhaps this speaks to the blackout rage caused by Piz.