Shared today on Twitter

Disappointed that @tobysestate have discontinued “promotion” of free coffee with bean purchase. Tempted to switch to @Mecca_Espresso.

@johnallsopp Toby’s is more expensive, but I was able to justify it with the “free” coffee. I’d rather save the extra couple bucks tho.

@redambition But… Reese’s Pieces aren’t chocolate!

@witty_knitter I use that word a lot, but context is less about sickness and more culture at some offices of working very long hours.

@witty_knitter @redambition Those are Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups. Different thing. Pieces are like M&Ms, but peanut butter.

@eileenDCoE It’s the “Kissed by Fire” Club. I’m in it too. If you’re lucky, Jon Snow will mack on you in a cave. That’s the hope, anyway.

@Lackadazy @imdominating The place was 75% Awkward Females. It was the closest I’ve come to actual Twi-hards. Couldn’t get near him. 🙂