What else would you wear to see the new Star Trek movie? #livelongandprosper http://t.co/wEnIJkDUl8
Star Trek. LOVED IT. (@ Dendy Cinemas – @dendysydney w/ 4 others) [pic]: http://t.co/okBAjlpHTI
.@janiematts Froyo is the new cupcakes, clearly.
@drkknits GODDAMIT. Twitter preview hid it, so I was confused, so I clicked.
Angel series 3 – Does Fred ever stop being fricking annoying? Because she’s making me want to stop watching.
After much tech fail, ended up holding iPhone (with Snook on FaceTime) to landline so he could wish his Mum a happy Mother’s Day.
@mpesce I agree. The only folks I’ve talked to who didn’t like it weren’t Trek fans and didn’t get the references. I mean – TRIBBLE!
Another Monday, another mass shooting, another day of incredulous Aussies asking me if everyone in the US really is a gun-toting nutbar.