Final call for Oscar Contest entries!

Final call for Oscar Contest entries!
We’ve had over 400 entries this year. Holy crap. I’m going to close the voting when I get up in the morning, which should be about five hours before the show starts. So if you haven’t entered yet, do it NOW! A sock monkey hangs in the balance. (I’m going to do second and third prizes as well since there are so many entries.)

If you’d like to see how the tally is progressing throughout the show, bookmark this page. I’ll be updating the award winners in real time (well, as quickly as I can get them off the web) and the scores will update immediately. As you can see, there’s currently a 400-way tie for first. 🙂

Oh, and if you’re going to be taping the show (or watching it near a computer), I’d love it if you could e-mail me the number of dead people in the obituary tribute montage. I’ve had a couple of volunteers already but it never hurts to double-check!

Good luck, everybody!