Shared today on Twitter

@RoseRed_Shoes While wearing shitkickers, you have an obligation to kick shit, you know.

@Helen__H Exciting! Take pics!!

I bought an Internet-enabled set of bathroom scales today. WTF is wrong with me. This is Quantified Self MADNESS.

@pixel8ted I strongly considered it but went with Fitbit Aria as I already have their One tracker and like the app/website.

Haven’t felt like myself for 2 months. Coincidentally the length of time at new job, and also when I started new drugs. Too many variables.

@witty_knitter I don’t plan on it actually tweeting my weight. I do have some limits.

@witty_knitter Not ruling it out though. We’ll see. It’s less about privacy (I don’t care) and more about spamming you all. 🙂

@randomknits You’ll just get a kidney stone. That’s what the Snook always tells me.

@knitterjp @witty_knitter The Internet is not actually the point. It’s the connectivity that allows it to sync with the tracking app I use.

I do love a good “Eat the rich” flame war before dinner…

MOAR training! (@ Symantec House)