@lemon_lime This is why you don’t rough house, boys.
@Illdrinn We’re seeing it Tuesday. They’ve apparently rented out cinema for Sydney staff and friends. I’m not expecting it to be good!
He doesn’t give cuddles very often, so I take advantage when he does! #purr http://t.co/PkTcXk6ucL
Drat. I beat @the_snook home, and I don’t think I can take these boots off by myself!
My first filling in 20 years. Good experience tho – I love my new dentist! (@ AHM Dental & Eyecare Practice) http://t.co/3puqWgwthX
RT @JuliaGillard: Happy World Wide Knit in Public Day! #WWKIP JG http://t.co/fwwcSgJrx7