Let’s get out of here. The usual suspects going to knitting? @knitterjp @smark31 @Yarna_ @aunty_toots @1funkyknitwit
I am so tempted by the Marimekko Chuck Taylors at Hype. So, so tempted.
@RoseRed_Shoes You would say that. You’re such an enabler!
@RoseRed_Shoes But I have three pairs of Chucks already. I can’t justify it!
A Grand Designs I haven’t seen before? With lesbians? YES!
@witty_knitter They have separate bedrooms? Is this a thing?
@witty_knitter Rodd says he suspects it’s an Older British Person thing. I kinda like it.
@mrs_sockvictim @Yarna_ @smark31 @knitterjp Check Rav. I changed the name of the group. 🙂
Knitters: check out http://t.co/XLYGbEnxNF today. Very nice! Except @google got the start date of Australian winter wrong…
@laimelde Yes, in the US we go by equinoxes and solstices. But not here.
@KTunravels Nah, June 1st. But I usually get the doona out by ANZAC day. Sydney is colder than people realise (esp without central heating).
@surrenderdotty @google Yeah, but the actual search text is “First day of winter”. No Australian staff would have actually approved that!
@laimelde Yep. Australia is the only place I’ve ever been that doesn’t! I’m guessing tomorrow in N Hemis it will refer to Summer there.