@msmorrisk @ilagile @roykravat They gave out decks of PP cards at Scrum AU in April. I’ve still got mine!
RT @smh: At $113 a week, this is Australia’s cheapest car to own & run. http://t.co/pkFhm8G5Mh // Wow. This is why I’m with @GOGET instead!
@roykravat @katemorris Did you take the test? Or do you do that after?
Omg. Hart is THE BEST. @drkknits @imdominating You guys will love that. Click all the video links! http://t.co/A8sOvCiGSR
Knitting as political protest. #knitgate http://t.co/I8Mltqr2XB
QUESTION: Is Anna Kendrick actually singing?? This changes everything. @lotsofco @imdominating
I actually just said: “Oh, she incorporated his song! WAIT. THAT EXACT THING HAPPENED AT THE END OF BRING IT ON.” Still awesome.
@lotsofco @imdominating Well, that movie was CHARMING. (My fave was the Indian rapper that I just realised is also on the Mindy Project.)
@lotsofco @imdominating So I thank you both for the recommendation! (But I still think it’s totes lame to cry at Breakfast Club.)
@mh4k Personally I find them adorable. Just can’t get them to look right on me though.
Holy crap. House has KitchenAid mixers on sale. I just bought one! Thanks for the tip, @halfwrittentale!!
Realised I was at pub last night with people from Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. My inner 22yo geek was freaking out. #livingthedream
@imdominating @lotsofco Yep, been meaning to watch forever and got inspired when Max and @realtimshady liked it!
@imdominating @lotsofco Not that I don’t trust your taste in movies… (”Roadhouse” notwithstanding.)
@knitdra @RoseRed_Shoes Well, it had to match the kitchen, of course… 🙂
@knitdra @RoseRed_Shoes Nah. I’ve got a designer kitchen now; I’m going to suppress my wacky impulses and have it all MATCH!