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@msmorrisk @ilagile @roykravat They gave out decks of PP cards at Scrum AU in April. I’ve still got mine!

RT @smh: At $113 a week, this is Australia’s cheapest car to own & run. // Wow. This is why I’m with @GOGET instead!

@roykravat @katemorris Did you take the test? Or do you do that after?

Omg. Hart is THE BEST. @drkknits @imdominating You guys will love that. Click all the video links!

Knitting as political protest. #knitgate

QUESTION: Is Anna Kendrick actually singing?? This changes everything. @lotsofco @imdominating

I actually just said: “Oh, she incorporated his song! WAIT. THAT EXACT THING HAPPENED AT THE END OF BRING IT ON.” Still awesome.

@lotsofco @imdominating Well, that movie was CHARMING. (My fave was the Indian rapper that I just realised is also on the Mindy Project.)

@lotsofco @imdominating So I thank you both for the recommendation! (But I still think it’s totes lame to cry at Breakfast Club.)

@mh4k Personally I find them adorable. Just can’t get them to look right on me though.

Holy crap. House has KitchenAid mixers on sale. I just bought one! Thanks for the tip, @halfwrittentale!!

Realised I was at pub last night with people from Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. My inner 22yo geek was freaking out. #livingthedream

@imdominating @lotsofco Yep, been meaning to watch forever and got inspired when Max and @realtimshady liked it!

@imdominating @lotsofco Not that I don’t trust your taste in movies… (”Roadhouse” notwithstanding.)

@knitdra @RoseRed_Shoes Well, it had to match the kitchen, of course… 🙂

@knitdra @RoseRed_Shoes Nah. I’ve got a designer kitchen now; I’m going to suppress my wacky impulses and have it all MATCH!

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.