Sunny and 23C in mid-winter? Definitely a day for bare legs and brogues!
@BriWrites Great book. I highly recommend a trip to the House on the Rock in Wisconsin when you’re done. 🙂
What the-? Did someone stick a “KNITTERS PLEASE KICK ME” sign on my back last night?
@witty_knitter Emailed you. Seriously, my brain is going to FALL OUT.
@redambition Yeah, just tilting at the windmills of self-absorption, passive-aggressiveness, and fuckwittery. Another Monday. 🙂
Exactly. 🙁 RT @drkknits: Bugger RT @TheOldReader: Please, read an important announcement from The Old Reader team:
@drkknits @TheOldReader I appear to be in the “migrate to private site” group. Not sure how that happened. Trying to decide if I’ll stay.
@drkknits @pransellknit @mrs_sockvictim We must have gotten in just before cutoff. I tried Feedly but preferred Old Reader.
Happy birthday to @the_snook! All the world is mad save thee and me, my love.
Booked in for a MAC makeover at lunch so I can look fancy for @the_snook’s birthday. Which setting will Homer’s makeup gun be set to today?
@Illdrinn I agree. Question: PR wiki says Mako is 13 when she meets Stacker: Seem wrong to you too?