Pre company Kick-Off drinks… (@ Opera Bar)
Me, @knitterjp, and @hoganau ready for @Mi9 kickoff!
I was enjoying the mi9 company kickoff *before*, but then I got a BAG OF CANDY! #hyper @ Sydney Opera…
TIL I like licorice allsorts. And when you don’t have sugar for a week, candy makes you CRAZY!
Check out my photo @ mi9 Staff Party!
@witty_knitter @knitterjp It’s NineMSN. No scarier than any other online content network. 🙂
Gettin’ down with @knitterjp at @Mi9 kickoff.
They keep playing Young People’s Music. I don’t know how to “drop it like it’s hot.”
Is this what they call “twerking”? I’m disturbed.
All the single ladies have been celebrated. I think it’s time for this married lady to go home. (cc @the_snook)
Self, let’s be honest. You are too damn old to wear these boots for 12+ hours. #dying @ Circular Quay
RT @TheAdamBub: Custom-printed lollies! Thank you, ninemsn #mi9 #lovemywork
@hoganau @Nat_Sutton John Hogan on the dance floor? PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.
@JennaPrice I have Fitbit. I am not fitter than you. But perhaps I can quantify my lack of fitness more accurately. 🙂
I’m hoarse, I’m tired, and I have random dancing-inflicted bruises. Yep, that was one hell of a party @Mi9!