@BriWrites Yep. Gaiman says people always think he made it up. We went there in 2010: http://t.co/QVQMvJ2uid
@BriWrites Carousel is surreal. I also got my fortune from the same machine as Shadow. Bonus: it’s near the Frank Lloyd Wright MURDER HOUSE.
@StuartCRyan @clepetit We have a couple people at @Mi9 doing interesting things with Atlassian products…
@StuartCRyan @clepetit Probably not me, but I can ask around and see if anybody’s interested!
@StuartCRyan Oh, I’ll present at the drop of a hat. Just not sure I have anything cool or relevant for that crowd to discuss! 🙂
@StuartCRyan Sadly, I think it’s too short notice for the people I had in mind here. Sorry…
Oh good grief. Sportscraft have introduced a LIBERTY HIPSTER HAT. http://t.co/hYgiXkfQW8
@zephyrama @AusVintageGrrl Their incidence among the non-hipster population is sadly dwarfed by their popularity with hipster douches.
@StuartCRyan Unfortunately not – we’ve got a team event on all afternoon/evening. Maybe next one though! (Is there a mailing list?)
It is a legit problem that I actually like my job, project, and team so much that it’s hard to leave the @Mi9 office sometimes. #shmoopy
@StuartCRyan I thought I was on it before, but maybe didn’t re-register after it moved from old system. Will sign up again. 🙂
The next time I start bitching about how much work the @KnitGuildNSW Camp has been, remind me that I’ve met some genuinely wonderful people.
@drkknits I just had the nicest talk with a fiber artist who’s married to a SWORDSMITH!
@drkknits She said she’s got 50 beardy dudes camping in her garden this weekend for some sort of sword making event. TOTES YOUR SCENE!
@drkknits As the Snook put it, “Mittagong hippies, man.”