@Ezzles You’ve been hacked, Erin!
RT @chrisbrownie: He did WHAT to 3000 people!? http://t.co/zA1bvYhMiw // ATTN @imdominating! (Aussie candy with “star trivia” on wrapper)
@bakevin I’m very sorry to miss your Sydney presentation! I’m attending a Women in Tech event that night at Google.
Woohoo! And we are GO for @Mi9 Hackathon!
RT @SerriLaw: 3 and a half hours in, and it’s starting to get interesting! #Hackathon
Hackathon, nearly 4 hours in. Doritos and beer. http://t.co/SoSNzdFsZc
@mikeefreedom Yep. 24 hours. I’ve found a team that will let me play without making me code. 🙂
Holy crap. 7.5hrs into Hackathon and Team Sarcastic Pig are still going strong! As @SerriLaw put it, “Nobody’s leavin’ til the pig talks!”
9 hours of Hackathon… and we’re still going. I think it’s time to go home for some shut-eye.
RT @Slate: REMINDER: Only bad people send their kids to private schools: http://t.co/p7YHPULH5p
James Franco’s Comedy Central roast: The 26 bestlines http://t.co/R90lzlfND0 via @EW // I laughed. 🙂
Iconic London Department Store To Feature In TV Documentary – PSFK http://t.co/z0OZHMoyMT // Approaching Liberty saturation point!
A high schooler just offered me her seat on the bus. Must be time to re-dye my hair… *cringe*
RT @catehstn: All these reasons, and a million more – This Is Why There Aren’t Enough Women In Tech – http://t.co/S8ltyMxPJq /via @amygdala
@catehstn @amygdala I need to use the phrase “brogramming gulag” more often.