Why I was Wrong about Unit Testing – Part 1 – Unreasonability http://t.co/xvl2L12XSZ // Great post by one of my team devs
@zosainsbury TOTES. (Too bad you don’t sit near me anymore.)
@drwitty_knitter *raises hand*
@drwitty_knitter @mamabook Wait, does this mean I’m the IT support for the cave? DO NOT WANT.
@zosainsbury No idea. I got bored of sitting through the bits between Dean Geyer getting his kit off.
@chrisgander @zosainsbury Recently @venks79 said “abs muthafucken totes” to me in a Skype chat and I laughed and laughed.
Been fighting with Jira all afternoon. Annoyed that the answer that keeps coming up is “You’re doing Agile wrong. Change it.” GRRRR.
Ha! Thanks to @merrinmez for pointing out that I actually volunteered for #knitcamp in Oct 2011. Nearly two full years ago!
@brown_note My team uses story points not so much for estimation but as metric for tracking. Jira does not like this.
@brown_note The built-in reporting, I mean. So now I’m still exporting and reporting by hand.
RT @wollombiwool: Wow! We had such fun @ knit camp. Thank you #knitcamp
@brown_note Yes. We were using cards before quite happily, but after team discussion, thought Jira might make some things easier.
@brown_note Wiser people chuckled ruefully at me. Now I know why.
@mikeefreedom More or less. Examples: https://t.co/Ks1qnwebJ4 https://t.co/FS1JAi4jnx https://t.co/RlJhmBtk1c
@neil_killick Effort, basically.
@neil_killick Not sure the background. I inherited a team already working this way; didn’t want to change everything at once!
RT @ElizaBayne: Big deal, iPhone 5s. Android also has a security feature that prevents theft. It’s called: Being an Android Phone