@nolim1t @andrewjgrimm @aimee_maree I’m gonna be there!
@Lackadazy @imdominating @Jezebel I saw RArmitage in Sydney! Theater was full of Women of a Certain Age. I thought they were gonna eat him.
@andrewjgrimm @nolim1t @aimee_maree Eep! It doesn’t start til 6, right?
@nolim1t @andrewjgrimm @aimee_maree Oooooo! Well hello Mr Fancy Pants. 😛
Settling in for @railsgirlsau with @pyko and @nolim1t and lots of others… #railsgirlssyd http://t.co/teYQmWNxsd
And now I have a github account. Watch out, world. #railsgirlssyd
@thetron No way! We got Keith. #railsgirlssyd
I forgot to check in at #railsgirlssyd in Foursquare. Luckily @nolim1t did it for me.
Drunk guy on bus is very entranced by my Google sweatshirt. Trying to ignore him. Now he’s telling me he invented using Google as a verb.
@mudsurfer Nah, Sri Lankan. I left bus as he was telling me that the Howard govt always treated Sri Lanka “fair dinkumly”.
@gilmae I have a vague idea around rewriting my Roald Dahl site to replace old crappy PHP CMS.
RT @tjmcewan: it’s #fridayhug time at @railsgirlsau Sydney! http://t.co/LzjdBB9Drx // See if you can spot me!
@pyko I jumped on a bus. Thankfully didn’t get too soaked!
@aimee_maree @nolim1t @andrewjgrimm I overslept. Just catching bus in now…
Back to @railsgirlsau for day 2! Gotta earn the shirt… #railsgirlssyd http://t.co/JmD3sL0UJs
Hey @randomknits – so are these Liberty or not? Now I’m leaning towards not. http://t.co/jtNBjSeLJR
MT @andrewjgrimm: Got asked about strings vs symbols, hashes vs arrays… #railsgirlssyd // That was me!
RT @mattallen: Coffee for the #railsgirls in Sydney by @lookaheadsearch. That’s us! http://t.co/RqAm30RYdY
Ruby and cupcakes on a Saturday morning… http://t.co/01fIlPE9WX
Ruby and cupcakes on a Saturday morning… http://t.co/01fIlPE9WX // Forgot the hashtag! #railsgirlssyd
Thanks @aemeredith for explaining the various Rails directories! #railsgirlssyd http://t.co/TgPdQFV8cx