Sportscraft have a whole new Liberty line: (paging @randomknits…)
@drkknits This looks to be the same one: Just with an additional squeeze of lemon at the end! (I used white cauli.)
@toastman And if you miss it, I suspect it’ll be on Jump-in tomorrow. 🙂
Waiting for the Snook so we can get our photo with Saint Nick! (@ David Jones)
I’ve been ELFED!
@RoseRed_Shoes Well, DJ’s was sad and their Santa not very fat, but they were nice and we didn’t have to queue long. 🙂
Registered at OfficeWorks to get some photos printed. They sent me my password in plaintext. *facepalm*
@knitterjp Haha, not quite that bad, thankfully. 🙂
RT @jchyip: Women Are Passing the Marine Infantry Course. Get Over It. via @slate
Miss Sharknado last night? You can catch up on @Jump_in!
@drkknits You can also adopt a koala on her behalf! I’ve done that for my fam the last two years: