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Many thanks to @justasitsounds for passing on his unwanted ham. Now how am I going to get nearly 9kg of delicious ham home on the bus?!

@RoseRed_Shoes @Yarna_ Guess what? The IC mailing list IS ALIVE! Just re-sent your message out. Did you get it??

My first visit. So far so good! (@ Noddy’s on King)

Okay @drkknits @drwitty_knitter – Noddy’s = good so far. Fancy though! Do I tip stylist/colourist? If so, how?

@knitterjp @justasitsounds I got it in the house in the end. Made the 438 bus smell of ham though!

@drwitty_knitter @drkknits Ah good. I never have in Oz but I’ve never gone to a really top place either.

New stylist! Quite happy. Layered cut, copper with blonde bits. Nothing drastic. #selfie @ Noddy’s on…

@drwitty_knitter @drkknits Quite happy. It was under arbitrary budget I set too! Booked in again. Thanks for recommendation!

The new SEO: find a 10yo broken link on a blog, email webmaster, helpfully suggest they replace with link to your spammy site. DO NOT WANT.