@GGDSydney I’m getting a 502 Bad Gateway error on the site!
@Lackadazy Yes. Also because it’s HILARIOUS and I can’t believe Schmidt and Deputy Leo are the same guy. And I heart Grumpy Old Man Nick.
@drkknits Right side! Otherwise it’ll show on the front.
@drkknits You would’ve figured it out in 10 seconds. 🙂
I don’t have a car, so sadly I have to celebrate “rolling over” my team’s Jira tickets into 4 digits. http://t.co/TepXL0IZfi
New goggles and swim cap. Time for my first swimming lesson! (@ Victoria Park Swimming Pool) http://t.co/el3UDyf9GS
@randomknits @drwitty_knitter OH NO. I just saw this status and my heart fell. Goodbye Twinkie. She was a good bunny.
Just finished my first international outside-office-hours fancy pants conference call in years! Now for food.
Drinking my first “bulletproof” coffee. It’s surprisingly good. I was expecting total yuck, but this is like a latte without milk!
Looks like RSVPs are open for the @GGDSydney She Hacks hackathon in March at Google! I’ve been asked to emcee. 🙂 https://t.co/uMJAmUESDG
@drwitty_knitter Google it! (Coffee with coconut oil and butter. Seriously.)
@drwitty_knitter I used ghee, actually. Trying to avoid too much dairy.
@drwitty_knitter Some more thoughts here: http://t.co/gxhiSsapYV. Just something I read about and decided to try!
@drwitty_knitter @MissPiggyEats I change shape too much, so I’m terrified to cut into a pattern. (Actually most of mine are PDF now anyway!)
@drwitty_knitter I already drink it with coconut milk instead of cream. This didn’t seem very different. Lactose definitely adds sweetness.