Next 48 hours: hosting one barbecue, attending two more, working half the public holiday. I need a rest.
Happy Straya Day from Chippo!
Flags fluttering in the breeze… (My neighbours were amused.)
@justasitsounds @ConscientiousCk We’re coming! Lunch guests just left. Just tidying up and packing before cabbing over.
@justasitsounds @ConscientiousCk BTW – Shall we bring some homebrew pale ale? 🙂
@justasitsounds @ConscientiousCk we come bearing Settlers of Catan, home brew, a USB stick of movies, and hipster ice cream. NERRRRRRRDS!
@justasitsounds @ConscientiousCk Disaster! The home brew keg was empty after only half a bottle. #sadface Wine it is.
That’s two Straya Day BBQs down… Did I mention the BMX Bandits? #youngnicole #prebotox
Thanks @justasitsounds and @ConscientiousCk for a lovely evening! Including surprisingly delicious CROCODILE.
Ugh. Hangover headache. That’s not gonna pair well with a baby shower…