@pixel8ted @RadhikaR Yep, me and @knitterjp. What’s up?
I answered EXTREME for all the last questions. 🙁 @ Sydney Physiotherapy http://t.co/3yAa7RopM1
Nothing says capable, mature adult like welcoming your partner home with a hysterical crying jag.
@BendalongMorgan Nah. Just frustration from chronic knee pain and an unsympathetic doctor.
@unlikelylibrary Thanks. It’s gonna improve. We’re heading to Brisvegas tomorrow. 🙂
Congrats to the @Jump_in team on launching our third show site! http://t.co/r1jpe61aJW
Heading to Brisvegas! (@ Gate 32 (T2 Multi-User Domestic)) http://t.co/gbLwVQuCrw
Landed. It’s grey and depressing here so far. (@ Virgin Australia Terminal) http://t.co/epEcc53XGQ
@drwitty_knitter Play! We made a special trip to see this: http://t.co/1zFhJV21Lq Very #hipster, I know. 🙂