Shared today on Twitter

They caught the murderer. (cc @imdominating @Justacogitating )

@liamvhogan I’ve always been partial to #c0c0c0

@drkknits @imdominating Ha! She doesn’t use curlers, of course.

@carlfish Oh god. I use joker. Are they bad? I don’t follow these things anymore. They’re German. I appreciate German efficiency.

@carlfish Aaaand now I just learned they’re actually Swiss. Huh.

So FoodConnect Sydney is being replaced by @OooobySyd, and now the price is going up $4. Not happy. And I can’t pick up at City Cousin. 🙁

@lizknits99 Whoa – that box is $65! Mine was only $35.

@lizknits99 Still not quite right. I was able to get veg-only box. And delivery is actually a pain given I live in secure unit.

@lizknits99 But thanks for the recommendation. I’m just annoyed. My old setup was pretty perfect.

@lizknits99 FoodConnect let you pick up from a neighbour. That appears to be gone.

With less than a day to go, my Easter Show entries have been submitted. Now I just have to finish knitting the damn things…

@drkknits Well. Well.

@drkknits To be honest. I am thinking of not doing it this year.

@drkknits I am uninspired.

@drkknits And without inspiration, it feels like work. 🙁

@drkknits I was tempted, but there are two more movies to go. Figured I’d hold off on that one.

@drkknits I still judge everything against Gay Sock Monkey Cowboys. I will never again have such a lightning bolt of perfect inspiration.

@drkknits But I have guilt about not doing it. I was going to make a post/send an email. Mostly I fear letting down @imdominating.

@drkknits @imdominating A couple ppl have told me when a fun thing becomes an obligation, you’re allowed to stop.

@drkknits @imdominating I actually bought socks for a set of 4. Just couldn’t bring myself to start.

@garethrhughes Huh. I’ve been messing around with it for years but never found a good use. What do you use it for?

@drkknits @imdominating Sadly, I haven’t seen it yet. 🙁

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.