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Thrilled to announce that @booyachi and I won the Commercial Viability award at @Mi9 Hackathon 6!

RT @booyachi: @web_goddess @Mi9 I like this one better // HAHAHA, I didn’t know he was pulling a face!

@daphnechong @booyachi We built a “Which Blockhead Are You?” personality quiz for Jump-in. I used your SECRET HACKATHON WEAPON: Prezi!

@kellyostwald I know @Hartsyard in Newtown had it on the menu, and I think there was another place in the CBD recently…

@jannism My little brother used to do that as a kid. We were worried he had diabetes; turns out he’s just a really heavy sleeper.

Hackathon adrenaline has finally worn off, and now my body is falling apart. Stupid cold. Voice is nearly gone!

@gilmae @knitterjp Only once for me – offshore team in India building some apps. I left before it finished. @venks79 was on that one…

Pretty sure that’s my second straight day of essentially no sleep. My throat is raw from coughing. THIS SUCKS.

@drkknits Did you read the preview chapter of Winds of Winter? SO GOOD.

@drkknits Actually 5 chapters have been released so far. I’ve just read a couple. And now I’m on the forums. #spoilerwhore

@Yarna_ @knitterjp @aunty_toots @Kat13v Good luck to all! And sorry I didn’t finish any of mine. 🙁