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SydJS! Wow, really packed tonight. (at @Atlassian w/ @nolim1t)

@nolim1t @swarmapp I hate change!!

@nolim1t I still don’t like splitting apps for random reasons. 🙁

“You don’t have the face of someone who’s into robotics.” SCREW THAT. Listening to @Charlie__Gerard at #sydjs.

LeapJS NodeDrone demo at #sydjs. It’s alive!!

Wow, @Charlie__Gerard controlling drone with LeapMotion at #sydjs! @booyachi should be here. 🙂

@jeremybrown …And now I’m having RC Pro Am flashbacks. Thanks. 🙂

@booyachi @Charlie__Gerard with @twalve! Tonight! You missed it. 🙁

Interesting. Is “@” really understood as icon for “email”? Huh. #sydjs

RT @gyfchong: Feeling lonely in the foyer @sydjs Somebody let him in!! @twalve

“Designing with motion is now a core part of user design.” Great talk at #sydjs. And hey, there’s an app!

RT @JedWatson: Awesome @sydjs app reveal @bladey @borisbozic // Agree!

Congrats to @kunaal84 and his team today for delivering the all new, amazing! @ Mi9

RT @Charlie__Gerard: Thanks everyone for coming tonight and here are the slides if you need!

@knitterjp @catehstn *raises hand* I even ran knitting shop for 3yrs to escape IT. FE dev, PHP dev, BA, IM, and now management.

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.