My view right now: Much purr. Very snuggle.
Me: “Hey, I think that works!” Rodd: “Do you have unit tests?” Me: “Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?”
w-g: *crosses fingers* I think, but I’m not sure, that I managed to get auto tweeting to happen when I post…
@gilmae Yup. More hacking with Twitter API and javascript. Added it into my posting form. ๐
@gilmae That work with a custom CMS? Only if it scraped somehow. Mine is optional though and allows customisation of tweet.
@gilmae Ah, I see. Yeah, that’d work. I’d still rather have it be optional/customisable per post. ๐
@gilmae I keep cruising ifttt looking for recipes that look useful, but haven’t found any yet. You ever used it?