Slides are done, and I’m just about finished rehearshing for #wdyk tonight. Did you just shiver, @twalve? Your doom approaches!
@twalve I wasn’t going to do this, but you’ve just invoked the Red Lipstick of Power. Stand back. #wdyk
@twalve The Red Lipstick of Power does not appear to have power over traffic. I’m en route. Slowly. @webdirections #wdyk
So much fun at #wdyk tonight. I think I won. And as a gracious winner, I apologise for saying @twalve drools. #redlippieftw
Cut all the “@twalve is a hipster” jokes from my talk, and then he spent half his time on a demo WITH A BIRD ON IT. #wdyk #regret
Just found out my team vote for spaces over tabs. FFS. Now I have to fire them all. #wdyk
@gilmae I’m contrary like that.
Bucket list items crossed off at #wdyk tonight: 1) Jakob Nielsen reference, 2) WAP joke, 3) MIC DROP.
@msharp YOLO, right? 😉
@cwrightdesign Yes! Loved your talk, BTW. 🙂
@cwrightdesign @pwcc I heard my counterpart @mariovisic won the day… 🙂
@diversionary Who was the guy taking me to task over my inability to remember (the clearly lesser) Norman? I need to follow his rants.
@slace I’m just sorry I stepped on the “spaces rule, tabs drool” joke. Apologies.
@slace @pixel8ted @misswired @shiftkey @railey180 UX Newtown is a thing?!
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits So. Wrong.
@RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits That’s actually my SECOND Kitty Litter Cake. (She says proudly…)
@sebasporto You’re preaching to the choir, my friend. 🙂
Not the most flattering angle, but I’ll take it. Thanks @Xavier_Ho! #wdyk http://t.co/XddOxg4rMl
@railey180 @twalve @misswired Credit for victory goes to @stringsofcolour then! I’ll have to wear direwolves for every battle from now on.
@mattallen @diversionary @philoye Yes! I need to hear more of @rantingphiloye’s thoughts on the proper construction of a Reuben.
@philoye @mattallen @diversionary Yes, but I’m from the Midwest. A Reuben’s considered a vaguely “ethnic” food there.