#frocktober day 19. More vintage polyester for watching football and sewing. http://t.co/La9znaX9Q8
RT @BuildaLibrary: My daughter wanted to be Han Solo for Halloween and asked me to be Princess Leia. Thanks for the assist @HerUniverse! ht…
Bookmarking for future: Galloway talk on digital winners and losers as recommended by @davidthodey . http://t.co/6wzGfDJanJ #telstrasummit
RT @Telstra: CEO @davidthodey presenting at #telstrasummit. Stream live: https://t.co/Q0ojvB2Of7
Process improvement will only get you so far. You have to put yourself in the place of the customer – advocacy. @davidthodey #TelstraSummit
No expense accounts at Telstra? *mind blown* #TelstraSummit
RT @nsmale: “You can’t treat customers well if you don’t treat each other well internally.”-@davidthodey Awesome sentiment #TelstraSummit
Using Twitter to hijack meetings with their own partners. HA! Brilliant. @joefernandez #TelstraSummit
Consumers don’t trust brands – they trust each other. (Suddenly tempted to look up my @klout score.) @joefernandez #TelstraSummit
@nsmale @JoeFernandez Same, although as I’m not a dude, I’d just say he seemed really cool. (Girls like beer too!)
Selfies are human emoticons. Hmm. #TelstraSummit @briansolis
@nsmale No offence taken – was just trying to parse “dude” as a compliment. 🙂 http://t.co/mfbE9963B5
“There are only 2 ways to influence human behaviour: manipulate it or inspire it.” Jedi-like wisdom from @briansolis. #TelstraSummit
I’m not sure, but I think you lose Klout by pronouncing gif without the hard G, @briansolis. #jifhorror #TelstraSummit