Shared today on Twitter

@servantofchaos @rcoppa I’ve read it. And soft G gif will always, always be wrong. (@johnallsopp – great topic for next WDYK smackdown!)

I really hope Amanda also uses two-factor with her PayPal account! #TelstraSummit

Third American speaker of the day. I wonder what that says about local industry. #TelstraSummit

“What consumers consider to be convenient is ever evolving…” No joke. Just ask the Opal card team. #TelstraSummit

What are the odds Jeff will mention Apple Pay? #TelstraSummit

Apple Pay! There it is. Jeff Clementz says only 2% of POS in US are NFC enabled. Huh. I use a lot of tap-and-go in Oz. #telstrasummit

@servantofchaos @rcoppa @johnallsopp Ugh. Soft g is so wrong! Do you also say “jraphics”? *shudder*

@mrsolis I’ve read it before. He’s still wrong. He probably also uses “begs the question” incorrectly.

Ok, I call BS. Does anyone under 30 ACTUALLY want to share their PayPal money transfers on a social network? Please reply. #TelstraSummit

Gumtree as a next gen commerce platform? I have never seen a Gumtree ad that wasn’t “turn up and pay cash.” #TelstraSummit

@servantofchaos Most financial conversations I have with under 30s are “Did we get paid today??” so I find it hard to believe!

@diversionary I guarantee someone here has tried to do that. #TelstraSummit

@paulwallbank Was thinking the same thing. Did not expect to leave here pondering both Hobbit leggings and thigh gap. #TelstraSummit

Is Uber actually a sponsor of #TelstraSummit? They’re in every keynote. Or is it the new lazy shorthand for “disruption”?

@frankarr Ha. Don’t hold your breath. Who needs APIs in these beautiful walled gardens? #TelstraSummit

TIL KeepCups are manufactured in Oz and shipped to China. Now that’s upending the status quo. #TelstraSummit

@paulwallbank I suspect you’re right. That video is pure “fake geek girl” trolling. It’s hard not to take the bait. #TelstraSummit

Fourth Yank speaker of the day. He had to ask if we had heard of the Mythbusters. Uh, they were JUST HERE on a sold-out tour! #TelstraSummit

@paulwallbank @servantofchaos I’m sure it is. So yay! That clip wins award for “1st thing today that reminded me I’m not welcome in tech.”

Evernote. Bah. You whippersnappers. I just write tweets and then have a cron job that posts them on my blog. #TelstraSummit

@montyhamilton No way! Old school. APIs and everything. 🙂 #TelstraSummit

Why is he reading questions off tiny watch when he has a big phone in his pocket? Is there a “Glasshole” style word for this? #TelstraSummit

MT @rcoppa: Why are all the speakers at Aus digital summit American? #TelstraSummit // Is it still cultural cringe if I’m from US?

Find vs. Search. “Find is the state we want our users to be in.” What does that actually mean? #TelstraSummit

Oh no he didn’t! Evernote guy just dissed the Newton. #TelstraSummit

@montyhamilton @RobynatVV @rcoppa Does Team Australia include any women? *crossing fingers*

Seriously tho, if anyone is just discovering @evernote today, here’s epic blog post on organising it. #TelstraSummit

Evernote > OneNote because ppl put stickers on laptops. No mention of functionality. So branding trumps utility? #TelstraSummit

RT @servantofchaos: Just dropping a JIFF of a burger into my Evernote #TelstraSummit // I’m going to throw a burger at your head. 🙂

Two concerns of future of retailing are Payments and Shipping. Same as when we built first commerce sites in late 90’s. #TelstraSummit

Aussie presenter asks if we’ve been to Tesla store in SF. Uh, no. (Tesla is evidently the Uber of retail.) #TelstraSummit

@drwitty_knitter The problem is “middle age in tech” hits earlier than in most other industries! 🙂 #TelstraSummit

How much of these retailing insights only apply to luxury brands? I ran a local craft store. How does digital help small biz? #TelstraSummit

Very few craft stores in world can get away with selling wool as “souvenir of brand experience.” #TelstraSummit

Another mention of Uber. One more and I think we unlock some sort of Achievement. (Burgers?) #TelstraSummit

@joshhunt I reckon. Yet speaker only mentioned US stats. *sigh*

I thought “Karsten” was going to be a woman. Nope. For the record, only woman so far today is emcee who spoke for 5min. #TelstraSummit

@JonoH @servantofchaos Hilariously, we were building a wine e-tailer in ‘99. First shipment had most of bottles shattered in transit.

RT @servantofchaos: It’s a bit of a #sausagefest #telstrasummit // You made me think about burgers again.

@RobynatVV @joannejacobs But what does that actually mean in a store that, you know, sells physical THINGS? #TelstraSummit

@jasonlaird @KazStocks She’s carrying weight of every woman in the room’s expectations! Looking forward to it. 🙂 #TelstraSummit

@joannejacobs @RobynatVV A customer complaining they can get something $2 cheaper at Spotlight doesn’t feel like a “co-producer.”

@joannejacobs @RobynatVV My point is just that most of this is aimed at the end of the market willing to pay for intangibles. #TelstraSummit

Giggling at the #TelstraSummit tweets about failing batteries. I <3 my Mophie Juice Pack. 94% and still climbing. #planningftw

RT @servantofchaos: Love your work RT @frankarr: 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔 #TelstraSummit // Burgers are trending at #TelstraSummit.

@lisaaharrison1 There was one for about 5 minutes. So yeah, currently more speakers named Dave than women. #TelstraSummit #notkidding

@littlehelper @lisaaharrison1 Wow! I don’t even expect equal representation, TBH. Just some sort of presence really.

Great use of digital by retailer: @ColettePatterns shows Flickr photos of users who made that item. #TelstraSummit

Huddled in the corner talking APIs and RSS feeds with @frankarr like an underground club of radical subversives. #TelstraSummit

@mobywhale You did a fantastic job! I turned to my dev team manager after and said, “We have to try to hire her someday.” 🙂

@mobywhale Two of my team will be at Web Directions, including our tech lead. (He was impressed with your talk too.) Would love you to meet!

I’ve worked at both corps and startups, and I prefer the former. Better work-life balance, better pay, more support. #TelstraSummit

RT @pbolt: My favourite stat of the day; more Americans have been married to Kim Kardashian than have died from Ebola

In my exp, startup = do work of 4 people for hope of hitting the lottery. Unless you’re the founder, it’s a sucker’s game. #TelstraSummit

@Rog42 At last startup, power failed in hipster terrace office and we had to rent generator to charge laptops. Never again. #TelstraSummit

@garethrhughes I grew up when I stopped defining myself by my job. It’s ok if work is a little boring. I can indulge creativity elsewhere.

@Uxrat @gerdschenkel How are startups the answer though, when stats show VCs are less likely to back female founders? #TelstraSummit

RT @kerrydawes98: Great panel but look forward to day when its made up of 50%female #telstrasummit #leanin #womeninbusiness #femaleleaders …

@iamayetee Mmmm, delicious payment cake. 🙂 #autocorrectfail #TelstraSummit

MT @Bec_Khoo: There is a lot of social chatter at the #TelstraSummit across multiple devices // Over 50% iOS! Huh.

“Telstra doesn’t really exist. It’s the sum total of all of us that work there.” It’s the vibe, it’s Mabo, it’s justice. #TelstraSummit

Why do corporates see Silicon Valley as Disneyland? Because it’s all ball pits and slides and food trucks and souvenirs! #TelstraSummit

Cognitive dissonance from panellists from biggest online companies with multi-million $ market caps mocking corporate suits. #TelstraSummit

Invoking t-shirts & beer doesn’t make me think “cool authentic startup”. It reminds me of this. #TelstraSummit

@RadhikaR I’m far too cynical for this. Most others on Twitter are drinking the Kool-Aid, I think.

@Uxrat Karen?

@RadhikaR They announced most creative tweet wins an iPhone 6. Most people seem to be using quantity over quality tactic.

Interesting how many of the Twitter examples are of celebrities and brands. Lots of accounts with the little blue tick. #TelstraSummit

Yes, Sir Patrick Stewart, human beings do love to beat a joke into the ground. 🙂 #TelstraSummit

How could no tweets actually come FROM Germany? Do they all use US IP addresses to get Netflix too? #TelstraSummit

More examples of fantastic innovative digital experiences… from the US. Are Aussie companies not doing this stuff? #TelstraSummit

RT @dawnstarau: “At this summit in Australia we’re going to use examples from a TV show that is delayed in Australia” #TelstraSummit

Props to voiceover artist who had to say “Tweet hashtag tweet serve at O2” without bursting into laughter. #TelstraSummit

Okay, using social media to shame people with bad grammar is disruption I can get behind. #prescriptivist4life #TelstraSummit

1st major local Twitter event I remember was Sydney CBD power outage (maybe 5 yrs ago?) that turned into massive zombie joke. #TelstraSummit

Oh yay, I won a prize! No wait. It’s just the usual Twitter spam. 🙁 #TelstraSummit

RT @uskovic: Love seeing some startup chicks on stage #TelstraSummit #needmorefemales

Selfie! *drink* Pivot! *drink* Drone! *drink* Uber! *dies* #TelstraSummit

These startup pitches are EXACTLY why I mentor devs on public speaking. Not enough to have a good idea. You must SELL IT. #TelstraSummit

RT @YouChewsAus: @KazStocks @murudau @telstra sorry, pitch can wait – just gonna send this tweet! #TelstraSummit

Planes and trucks and ships are not filled to capacity? That I did not know. Thanks, FreightExchange. #TelstraSummit

Very impressed with @fr8exchangeit. Not a sexy social disruptor, but massive opportunity that could actually succeed. #TelstraSummit

Fantastic – @fr8exchangeit won! Well deserved. Great presos from others too. #TelstraSummit

Damn. My sparkling Twitter commentary failed to win an iPhone. Although hey, T&Cs say TWO tweets, @Telstra! Boo. #TelstraSummit

#frocktober day 20. A serious work conference demands polka dots.

@Bec_Khoo Were you there?! Doh! Should’ve said hi. We’ve done several Spredfast integrations this year in my team. 🙂

@mattallen Really quite well! Very polished presentation overall. Only lost out on scale of the pitch, really. Freight had huge numbers!

Really regretting that I didn’t post this one during the #TelstraSummit today.

@YouChewsAus @mattallen I also sometimes think we Yanks suffer bit from high expectations – everybody in Oz expects us to be good speakers!

Just reminding folks that Frocktober isn’t just fun hashtag – it’s raising $ for ovarian cancer research!

@Justacogitating Maybe. Or else it was just fancy technical-sounding wank. 🙂

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.