On a boat somewhere in the Tarkine… http://t.co/9IT1P33Y6f
We missed the last chair lift by 5 minutes. *grumble* @ The Nut http://t.co/sVRgL0V3Xj
“So wait, which way is Melbourne from here Snooky? Awwwwwww, yeah.” @ Top Of The Stanley Nut! http://t.co/EQQx9iJj5O
Great pub dinner with local venison sausages! (@ Stanley Hotel in Stanley, TAS) https://t.co/80dOobQICF http://t.co/F0NHFG7H6k
Reading: “The Identity Crisis Under the Ink” http://t.co/JVF1sLshBT
Mi9 (ninemsn) is looking for Senior Web Dev – TV to join my team! http://t.co/MniNQaiwGY #job
Earlier today: Captaining a vessel is all about CONSTANT VIGILANCE. http://t.co/pCTNEIksa6
Green eggs and ham for brekkie! (@ Moby Dick’s) https://t.co/4vIPxOhOKT http://t.co/nbzMcpfQjA