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RT @mpesce: The Startup Muster survey is Australia’s largest ever poll of tech entrepreneurs – the results on TWISTA today.…

w-g: Startup Muster – Really cool survey results for Australian startup landscape in 2014. (Hat tip: @mpesce)

Hey, it’s @romainprieto back at Mi9 for Sydney Node Ninjas! Blast from the distant 9Jumpin past. 🙂

Great talk, @tur_nr. Come work for my team at Mi9. 🙂

Power pose from racereplica as he presents at Node Ninjas!

@joshhunt Didn’t your new Mommy and Daddy tell you about it? 😛

Reading: “Here’s How to Rock a Onesie like a Superstar (And Not a Toddler)”

@jannism So beautiful!

RT @snookca: Front-end Job Interview Questions

‘Serial’ Witness Now Says She Never Recanted Her Alibi Testimony @vulture // WHAT?!

w-g: I’ve got five months to find the perfect onesie for the next knitting retreat. Please help! (NOT KIDDING.)

@venks79 @zosainsbury @chrisgander I would eat it but only if I were horribly, horribly hungover. And it would be THE BEST THING EVER.

RT @instagram: Android Instagrammers, want to try the app before it’s released and give us feedback to improve? Learn more here: http://t.c…

@RoseRed_Shoes Hahahaha… Does Lincraft carry Bedazzlers?! This could definitely be a Thing.

@RoseRed_Shoes She looks like that fountain in the Cross! 🙂

@gilmae I got the wombat! 🙂

@gilmae aaaand I just got eaten by a drop bear. Now I get it.

@romainprieto Indeed! Can you DM me your email address? Mattttt wants to ask you some Node questions…