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Quite a full house tonight at #GGDSyd. (That’s Louis. He’s new.) @ Atlassian

Learning about creativity (and how not to be a wanker) from @tashj. #GGDSyd

Huh. Mozart is best for creativity. Bach and Beethoven, not so much. #GGDSyd

RT @GGDSydney: @web_goddess rocking it @Atlassian #ggdsyd Feb meetup

@helarious_ Haha, just realised you said hello to me earlier! I am THE WORST at linking real people to Twitter profiles. šŸ™‚

@tashj Thank you! I loved your talk. I felt bad about following up INSPIRING CREATIVITY with banner ads. šŸ™‚

RT @tashj: So @web_goddess is making me laugh a lot about the history of banner adverts at @GGDSydney

@LizlingC Thank you! It was gratifying to see a few folks nodding in recognition. These whippersnappersā€¦ šŸ™‚

Anyone know Claraā€™s Twitter name? Her talks are always mind-blowing! #GGDSyd

ā€œYou donā€™t just place these vertices anywhere. Theyā€™re linearly interpolated, you know what I mean?ā€ Clara is SO AWESOME. #ggdsyd

If you want to learn more about the ā€œfirstā€ banner ad, this site is fantastic: #GGDSyd @tashj

And at the other end of the timeline, hereā€™s the Guardianā€™s overview of their new responsive ad formats: #ggdsyd

@hehalana Thank you! Iā€™am glad you found it interesting. Always hard to know how a topic like ads will be received! šŸ™‚

Giving a Girl Geek talk on the history, problems, and possible future of online advertising tonight.ā€¦

@LizlingC I have that TV! It creeps me out.

@hehalana Awww, sweet. Whatā€™stout oldest site on I think Iā€™ve got back to August ā€˜96ā€¦

@hehalana I will share Respond slides after if you canā€™t make it. Hope you can tho. Looks like a great day! My first conf talk ever.

Mi9 (ninemsn) is looking for Technical Development Manager – Video #job

@kakaCharlotte Thanks Charlotte! Your support and enthusiasm is always much appreciated. šŸ™‚

“Thanks for an awesome talk on banner ads” is definitely up there with the highest praise I’ve ever gotten in my career. šŸ˜€ #ggdsyd

I mean, I kind of expect that phrase to be followed up with “…said no one, ever.” Right?

@alinavan Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Definitely lots of people doing interesting things. Will be cool to see what sticks.

w-g: Sony Pictures Entertainment Brings Marvel Studios Into The Amazing World Of Spider-Man // ABOUT TIME!

We Punched the Monkey And It Punched Back // Great post with fantastic title I mentioned in my talk tonight! #GGDSyd

RT @rubencodes: Flipboard comes to the web, and itā€™s beautiful via @verge

Loving the web version of @Flipboard, but what happened to my “Save to @pocket” option?

w-g: Losing the Internet You Grew Up With – The Atlantic – At what point will I have the oldest operating blog?

Reading: “Hubble Telescope Spots a Smiley Face in the Stars”