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Mi9 (ninemsn) is looking for Software Developer – Core Platforms #job

Web Directions Respond conf speaker drinks. These are my people. (@ Golden Age Cinema & Bar – @goldenagesydney)

Such a fun night with my fellow @webdirections Respond speakers tonight. That @johnallsopp knows how to pick ‘em.

@mobywhale I’m excited! See you there. 🙂

RT @NatureNews: Short-sightedness is reaching epidemic proportions. Scientists may have found a reason why http://t.…

Reading: “Take on any scoundrel in this! Star Wars pin-up style Boba Fett dress : …”

@amandapalmer @neilhimself Congratulations to you both!

@romainprieto Thanks! Talking at #Respond15 today too. I think two in one week may have been too many. 🙂

It’s @johnallsopp kicking things at @webdirections #Respond15.

@kunaal84 Thank you! I’m on at 10:55. 🙂

No knocking the 90’s aesthetic, @scottjehl! For some of us, it was formative. 🙂 #respond15

@romainprieto Responsive Ads. (Yeah, I got the sexy topic, didn’t I?)

11.8″. The maximum distance electricity can travel in one nanosecond, as demoed by Grace Hopper. Very cool. #respond15

One hour until I subject all these lovely devs and designers to a talk on ads. #Respond15 #sadistic

I’m on deck. Living out my Beyoncé dream! #Respond15

RT @brayza: 3 coffees and I’m responsive. #respond15

@drzax I’m trying to decide if that’s a compliment or not. 🙂

Loving that @nabeelahali used Finn Family Moomintroll as a prop. Very good book. #sniffismyspiritanimal #Respond15