Shared today on Twitter

@stephenlead Ooh, that’s very cool. I’ve actually had this project on my To Do list for ages: 🙂

@darthted I thought you were on the selection panel for that!

Creating a More Female-Friendly Tech Industry: Forum | KQED // Definitely going to be listening to this one.

Excited for the kickoff of tonight’s #sydtechleaders event! (@ UTS Building 10 – @utsengage in Ultimo, NSW)

Listening to Sam Riley, CEO of @ansarada. First tech leadership talk I’ve ever seen start with an Ani Difranco quote! #sydtechleaders

How to slow momentum as a leader vs speed it up. I need to print this out and stuck it on my monitor. #sydtechleaders

The view from the panel at #sydtechleaders…

Listening to Dr. Bernard in full flight! #sydtechleaders

@mobywhale @darthted Awwww, thanks!!!

@gilmae Huh?!

@allspaw Nope, but I think he’s going to share the slides after! Keep an eye on @SydTechLeaders.

Fantastic night tonight at @SydTechLeaders, followed by WAY TOO MANY BEERS with the guys from @ansarada. cc @200ok @samuelriley @darthted

Tech events like @webdirections, @GGDSydney, and @SydTechLeaders remind me of all the best reasons to be in our industry. #inspired

@scottjehl @filamentgroup @meyerweb @jenville @zeldman @lyndaweinman @adactio @skrug I made office book group read the Cluetrain Manifesto.

@scottjehl @filamentgroup @meyerweb @jenville @zeldman @lyndaweinman @adactio @skrug They didn’t get it. 🙁

@catehstn Not sure what was more depressing: the survey results or my team members quoting them as reality. 🙁

RT @elsand: This post by @mallelis is easily the funniest thing I’ve read all week: (via @markboynz) ping @peatyg

@gilmae Ah, I didn’t even notice!

RT @BuzzFeedOz: Is This @Vegemite Chocolate Bar Actually Real? via @braddybb @CadburyAU

Apple II Watch – Now this, I’d wear.

@imdominating But, but… two has sexy sexy Ian Malcolm, right? I forget all the rest.